Chapter 8

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     They all end up in the living room digesting everything they just heard.  "How you doing  boss," Trent asks? 
"Who would have thought an 8 year old could scare the shit out of me," Jason laughs out.  "Honestly, I'm concerned he might not show up tomorrow I'm excited and afraid,  but I'm ready to do this.  My heart won't stop racing and the only thing I think will calm me down is seeing Ryan.  Even if just to know he's ok." 

     "Well lucky for you, you don't have much longer to wait." Ray points out.  "Jace you want another beer brother?" 
"Um, no Ray, I'm done for tonight.  Grab me a water though.  I want to be as clear minded as possible tomorrow." 

     "I think Brock and me are going  to head out boss, but we will be here before noon, Trent says.  Just call if you need anything." 
"Thanks guys, I will.  Thanks for cleaning up, I appreciate it.  See ya tomorrow."  Ray sticks around a little longer before going home himself promising he'd be there plenty early before they leave.  Sonny and Jason hang out and watch some TV, or Jason pretends to be watching.  His mind just won't turn off.  Sonny does his best to keep him occupied but an hour later they both decide to turn in and try to get some sleep.

Jason slept very little,  if any at all, but still was completely awake in the morning. He felt wired like he usually does when they are being spun up. It's a level of adrenalin most could never understand experiencing. He knows he needs to calm down some before going to the center so he decides to take a run while Sonny is still sleeping.

Jason arrives back home an hour and a half later feeling somewhat better but in need of a cold shower. He sees Sonny in the kitchen making breakfast, grabs a water saying he'd be down in a few minutes. The cold water is just what he needed to cool him off and shut his brain down for a few minutes. Running though exhausting him, wasn't able to stop his mind from thinking about every possible scenario they could happen today. He finishes quickly and dresses casually in a pair of jeans and tee shirt. Grabbing a pair of boots before heading downstairs but not putting them on yet.

"Have a nice run,"Sonny asks? "Glad you didn't wake me up, you know how I feel about needless running." Sonny chuckles. "If I ain't being chased or chasing the ice cream truck, count me out."
Jason busted out laughing telling Sonny, "man, you are seriously screwed up." Sonny just gives him that signature grin and says, "I'm just normal is all. Who wants to run for nothing? Simply ludicrous!"

They sit down at the table. Sonny has made himself and Jason a plate, but Jason seems only interested in his coffee. "Jace, you really should eat something. It's going to be a long day." "

"I know Sonny. I just feel like I'm going to throw up if I do. Im so nervous. I'm never this nervous, no matter what the op is."

"Well this op is a little different I think. But this isn't anything you can't handle....that  WE can't handle. If this kid isn't yours.... We will be there for you. But more importantly, if he is yours we will be here for you. I will be by your side the whole way. I will take my role in his life very seriously. I want to be a big part of his life if that's ok. He's gonna need me." Sonny chuckles. "I have so much to teach him. Things a daddy can't teach him."

"Oh God, do I even want to know what's going on in that messed up mind of yours? Sonny, you can't get an 8 year old arrested."

"Jason, I would never get an 8 year old arrested.....  I'm betting he's cute enough to keep them from arresting me though". Sonny smiles.
"I will kick your ass, you do know that." Jason says.

"Oh like we would ever tell you about it." Sonny takes a bite of his food knowing this little back and forth was just what Jacob needed. He's visibly relaxing and has a smile on his face for now.

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