Chapter 23

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Trent's the first to make it outside and slows when he sees that Ryan is running to see TJ. Cererbus, hot on his tail looking like a puppy again. "Well, that about gave me a heart attack," Trent says, nervesness still in his voice. "Jason, I'm sorry I should have went outside with them."
"Don't apologize to me yet," Jason says. "But we will all have to be more alert. Well, hopefully we will be," Jason says.

"Jace, it's gonna be fine. Blackburn will be showing up, probably any time now with the best news in the world," Sonny says.

Off in he parking lot, TJ and Ryan are running around with the dog chasing them. Sonny took out his phone and starts a video. The two didn't look like they were coming over any time  soon, which was fine for now.  Almost 15 minutes later and 3 complaints about Ryan being  bad at school Sonny had enough.  He walks over to the little tattle tale and crouches down and says, "ya know, I think maybe you could make some friends if you stopped telling on them all the time."  The little boy looks over at Sonny.  Sonny continues, "see the kids here, all love Ryan, that's obvious, so when you always try getting him in trouble, his friends don't like that very much and then they don't like the person who does it....  You ever hear the saying you catch more flies  with honey?" The little boy shakes his head no.
"Well, it means that when you are trying to make friends, you will make a bunch by being nice to everyone.  Honey tastes real nice.  So if you act like Honey, and be nice, you will have more friends then you ever thought possible. They'll stick with you always, just like honey." Sonny smiles at the boy, and the boy smiles back. And says, "I get it.  If I want to have friends, I first have to act like one."
"That's exactly right, great job kid.  Remember, you can choose to be nice, or not nice,  and to me, you seem like you are a really nice kid and could be a great friend to anyone."  Sonny stands back up and walks back over to the others. 

Jason looks at Sonny with obvious surprise.  Sonny looks back and replies, "what, I can be an adult sometimes."
Everyone laughs and then Josh calls the boys. They both are getting close to the road. "They better not be doing what I think they are," Josh says starting to run in that direction. Jason and Trent are right behind.

"TJ! TJ! Don't even think about it. You two can't leave."
"But we wanna go play somewhere else. Ryan can stay with me tonight. Shawn will be happy."
"I'm sorry guys, but you gotta stay here. No leaving. You will get to spend tomorrow together and you can play all day," Josh tries.
"It's not fair! I want Ryan to stay forever. He got a big bruise on his back and on his arm. He doesn't get stuff like that when he's with me!"  TJ glares at Josh with heat in his eyes no 8 year old should be able to produce.

"Bruise!? What bruise," Jason has bells going  off. He knew they were mean at that facility. "Ryan can you show us?"
He ignores them and starts loving on Cererbus. "TJ," Jason asks, "could you maybe show us?"
He walks over to Ryan and slowly lifts his shirt. Each adult gasps when they see it. It huge, covering a big portion of his back and TJ pushes his sleeve up to reveal what most definetly, a hand print.

"What in the world," Sonny can't even finish his sentence.
"Ryan," Josh asks, "what happened to your back and arm?"
He doesn't say anything. Josh tries to catch his attention, but he's happily petting the dog and not paying any of them and mind. Jason looks at Josh. He's pissed and he's not hiding it.

"Who did that, Josh what the hell? I knew he shouldn't..."
Ryan takes a strep back putting his hands over his ears.
Sonny steps in front of Jason, looking him in the eye, whispering, "Jace, get a hold of yourself. Not like this."
Jason looks passed Sonny and sees Ryan with his hands over his ears. Guilt quickly fills him, and he calms  instantly. He looks at Josh, "I'm sorry, let me try to talk to him about it later."
Josh just gives him a nod.

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