Chspter 41

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Jason grabbed a quick breakfast.  Brett was going to be there in half an hour, so Jason wanted to be sure he was ready to start since he wasn't sure how long it would take, and he cannot be late to see Ryan.  Josh thought it a good idea for Jason to wait until he and Ryan arrived, then for Jason to show up, letting Ryan see that Jason came just like he said.  Sonny must of ran out for something.  He said he'd be there to help with the pool so he should be showing up any time now.
Sonny comes 15 minutes later with a duffle bag,  "I grabbed some more clothes, and paid the rent."
"I'm sorry you have to make it seem like you're still living there.  Let me pay for it."
"No way Jace.  It's fine, don't worry about it."
"As soon as Ryan is in my custody, we clear your place out.  Ryan is going to want his uncle Sonny here the first night," Jason says.
"I can't wait for that day.  It can't come soon enough,"Sonny smiles.  "Me and that little one are going to be inseparable.  My little partner in crime," he smiles bigger. Before the conversation can continue, there's a knock at the door. Jason walks over, greeting Brett, and inviting him in.
"Hey Sonny," Brett greets.
"Hey man, how ya been?"
"Good, glad to have a couple days off, but I'll have another project to work on. Thanks again Jason, you sure you don't want anything for it?"
"No man, it's yours. I hope you're family enjoys it as much as we did. You'll need to get a new liner for sure, but I got all the chemicals you will need for a while."
They started quickly, Trent and Brock showed up, so the tear down went quicker. "So, what are you going to put in its place," Brett asks?
"I haven't really thought about it yet.....  I'll figure something out," Jason says.
Trent and Sonny look at each other smiling again, while Brock has been throwing the ball back and forth for Cerebus.

"I noticed the sandbox. Aren't your kids in college?"
"It's for Sonny," Jason laughs out. "Gotta keep him occupied when the adults are talking."
Brett laughs with them, but doesn't ask anything further sensing it's not a topic Jason wants to talk about.
Brett looks at Jason, but replies,"don't worry Sonny, you're secret is safe with me."
Jason gives him a nod, grateful Brett realizes it's not something he wants people to know about. Just then Jason's phone rings. He sees its Josh,"I gotta take this," he says walking away.
"Hey Josh, everything ok?"
"Yah, everything is fine. I just wanted to ask if you could pick up some chocolate milk bottles, and some single serving goldfish, animal crackers and fruit snacks for Ryan. He's still not eating, and they aren't real big on snacks there. I'd rather have him eat the snacks he likes, then nothing at all."
"I can do that. Anything else?"
"He loves coloring books, but they don't have any there. They have markers and paper, but Ryan loves coloring also."
Jason has walked closer to the others, not realizing. "Of course. I'd love to. I'll bring everything with me. Thanks Josh," Jason says before ending the call.
"Guys, it's getting late. Would you mind f I stole Sonny and you guys finish up? I've gotta make a stop first."
"Nope. We got it boss, go do what you need to do and we'll see you in a little bit," Trent answers.
""Thanks guys. Brett, always a pleasure. If you have any questions give me a call and I'll try to answer them"
Brett walks to Jason extends his hand, shaking Jason, snd thinking him again.

"Sonny can you be ready to go in a few?"
"Yes, but can we hit a drive through or somethin? I'm starving and you don't want me eating all angel boy's snacks do you. Sonny laughs. Sonny realizes what he said and tries back peddling.

Brett hears him and quickly says,"guys whatever is up, it's fine. I believe your business is your business, and unlike most of the gossiping teenage girls we work with, I don't repeat other people's business, so please don't be worried. Plus, I really have no idea what going on anyway," he chuckles. "So relax."

Sonny stands stunned, knowing he's said to much.  Jason, takes a deep breath brfore saying, "please Brett, I know you said you wouldn't repeat anything, but please know anyone finding anything out at this stage, could have severe consequences in a few lives." Jason is debating with himself, but decides he'd rather give Brett a little more info to tug on his dad heart strings, instead of it eating at him, and maybe confiding in a friend,  "one of these being a little boy whose holding on by a thread right now," Jason looks Brett in he eye, and can tell his secret is safe.
"Jason, I promise, you have nothing to worry about.  Go do what you need to do, and if you need anything, just call.  I give you my word, and I don't take that lightly."
"Thanks man.  I appreciate it more then you know.  Let's go Sonny, don't have all day," he heads over to the gate leading to the driveway.

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