Chapter 34

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The next morning, Jason is up early.  He's making sure the house is clean and "Ryan Proofed" before starting breakfast for the 3 of them.  Both Sonny and Mikey wake up when they smell bacon. 
"Good morning Mikey, sleep well?"  Jason asks.
"I did, thanks.  I'm starving."
"Will help yourself.  Sonny makes breakfast often so I thought I'd give him a break this morning."

"Well thank you Jason. This is just what I need. Had a few beers last night, and the last thing I want today is hungover."
"Eat up. Was thinking maybe next time Josh brings the kids over, we can do brunch and make pancakes."
"That's a great idea.  I seen this pancake griddle that makes them look like Mickey Mouse.   You get that, and you will be that little boys hero." Sonny says.
"What's up with Mickey Mouse ?"  Mikey asks?

"Ryan loves Mickey Mouse and all the characters.  He about bounced off the couch while he was naming the ones he likes the most," Jason laughs. 
"He wants to go to Disney World.  Him and TJ both.  He wants to see the characters ,  parade, the castle and the fireworks, "Sonny chuckles.  "I think that's the most interactive I've ever seen him, huh Jace?"

"Yah, it was. " Jason smiles. I'd love to see him like that more often," Jason sighs.
"Give him time Jason. That kids full of surprises."

"So when we going?" Mikey asks. They both look at him. "To Disney World. When are we going to Disney World?"
"I really never thought about it." Jason replies.
"Well, you and mom took us when we were younger. Seems only fair," Mikey smiles big at his dad.
"You're right. It's the one thing he wants more then anything. So yah, once he's here and settled, we'll plan a trip Mikey. Hopefully Emma is done hating me by then."
"Don't forget about TJ. He's the one been promising Ryan to take him. To hear him talk, he's determined to take Ryan some day," Sonny reminds Jason.
"Of course if his mom allows, we will take him too. You coming too Son?"
"Hell yah, my best buddy is going, I'm going."

Ten minutes after 1, the door bell rings.  Trent and Brock arrived earlier.  Cererbus was running in the back yard chasing a ball, and Mikey and Sonny are in the kitchen.  Jason answers the door, and a blond blur goes flying by.  Jason greets Josh and TJ before going off to see where Ryan was going in such a hurry.  They walk in the kitchen to see Sonny and Mikey smiling while looking at the refrigerator door hanging wide open with a chair in front and a little boy standing on it reaching for the chocolate milk.  He has his blanket over his shoulder and when he turns around he has the paw of his doggie in his mouth. TJ starts laughing, while jason looks at his youngest son fondly, and sonny's quick to get a picture. 

"Ryan, we don't go in people's refrigerators without asking.  It not nice." Josh tells him. 
Ryan is paying him no mind.  He now had his milk in his hands, looking at the cap.  When satisfied, he looks up at Jason, "Puppy help?"
"Help huh?  You want me to open that do you?"
""Puppy, chocolate milk, I have pease?"
Ryan, put it back.  You have to ask before you get the milk, not after," Josh tells him.
"It's ok Josh.  I want him to feel at home."
"Oh, don't worry.  If he wants something, he's going for it,  he doesn't care who's home it is," TJ laughs.
Jason reaches for the little boy and sets him on the counter and opens his milk. He drinks it down in one go.
"Boy, you were thirsty kid," he says.
"Of course buddy I'll get you something."
Jason goes to the freezer and pulls out the pancakes he's now glad he bought.
"Ryan, what did you have for breakfast," Josh questions.
"Yes, Jason is getting you pancakes. But what did you have for breakfast."
He jumps from the counter and opens the fridge again and gets a juice box. He takes it to Sonny, and holds it up.
Sonny takes the juice box and opens it handing it to Ryan.  "Anyone know when the last time this kid was fed or given a drink Josh, because he seems starved and dehydrated."
Jason isn't looking too happy himself.  He puts syrup on the pancakes and cuts them up small for Ryan before sitting him at the kitchen table to eat.
"TJ, what can I get you, " Jason asks.
"I'm good.  I ate right before we come.  Ryan, did you eat today?"
Ryan finished both pancakes and his juice box. Next thing you know, he's watching cartoons.
"The boy normally has a small appetite.  He probably hadn't eaten since his Apple Jax.  He didn't eat the dinner.  Who are these loser foster parents you find?  Cause they are shit if you ask me!" Sonny says.
"I'll look into it.  Sometimes kids just don't eat, then they're starving.  I'm doing my best."
"Sometimes kids are starving cause the ain't given nothin to eat," Sonny shoots back.  He quickly apologizes when he realizes it's not Josh's fault.  Josh understands he says because he feels the same way. 

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