Chapter 49

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Emma is in shock. She cannot believe what she just saw.
"Sing me."
Jason starts singing while walking with Ryan towards the back screen door. Sony is quick to open it and Jason walks out into the yard rocking and singing to Ryan.
"What the hell was that," Emma asks.
"Believe me, that never gets easier to watch," Sonny says sadly.
"Emma, Ryan has epilepsy.  We've all witnessed a few seizures now.  He is very scared and confused afterwards.  Your dad though, is amazing with him," Trent smiles.  "It's sadly something we will have to deal with."

"I feel so bad.  Isn't there something, like medicine or something?"
"He's on medicine," Trent tells her.
She nods her head.  "I've never seen dad like that.  He's so good with Ryan.  I've never heard him sing in my entire life," she chuckles.
"Music is a huge comfort for him.  Ryan was so upset one time, and your dad started singing softly in his ear, and Ryan loved it.  When he's having a hard time, or he's tired, he asks your dad to rock him and sing.  And your dad always happily complies'" Sonny shares.
"What about the whole calling him Puppy. What's that about?"
Sonny laughs. "When we went to the police station to pick him and TJ up, he saw your dad and ran to him calling him puppy. Your dad thought he was asking where Cerb was, but TJ explained thst that's what Ryan thinks his name is so that's what he's gonna callin, him."
"It's cute," Emma says.
"Oh, whatever you do, don't make fun of it or call him it. It pisses him off," Sonny chuckles. He gets more serious before continuing, "He thinks Ryan may never call, him daddy, he may always be puppy so if that's who he is to Ryan, he'll kick anyone's ass who makes fun of it or makes fun of Ryan."Sonny finishes.
"Actually, I think it's sweet. I like this side of dad...... So what's this about the police station?"

Before Sonny can answer, Jason comes in with a sleeping Ryan. "It's a little warm out there and he doesn't have on any sunscreen." Jason walks to the living room. Emma spots a rocking chair she's never seen before and her dad sitting down and begins rocking.
"Jason," Josh whispers, "call your lawyer and tell him about the seizure he had and the others you know he's had recently and request permission to take him to a neurologist. This medicine isn't working, and they are becoming more frequent. It's going to build up to an emergency if we don't get on top of it."
Jason looks scared for a second before nodding his head. "Who should I take him to?"
"I think you should contact the neurology department at the children's hospital. I know it's a bit of a drive, but he needs someone who specializes in seizures. He's very vulnerable with his health and development. This specialist may be able to help you cordinate a team for him so then you can all work together."
"Yah, I'll do that. I just wanna hold him right now. His pants are wet. Mikey, I bought a pack of pull-ups, could you run up and get one?  There's s good chance he will wet again."
Mikey runs up the stairs, coming back down holding a pull-up, snd a small blanket Jason had bought for his room. Jason is able to quickly get the wet clothes off and the pull up on without Ryan even stirring.
"See, now that's talent. He didn't even budge," says Sonny.
"This is when him being so tiny comes in handy," Jason smiles.

Ryan sleeps another hour before waking up and being told it almost time to go. 
"Josh, do you think we could stop over and let him meet the (he spells out puppies) before you take him back?  I am actually going to meet Brock's friend soon."
"Yah, I have time."
"Son, call Brock snd tell him to meet us there."

Thirty minutes later they are all standing outside of the kennel.  There's lots of barking, and Ryan had his hands over his ears.
"Hello gentleman," Tim says.  "Let's go over here to the bench.  It's much quieter." 
Once they get over to the bench, Tim texts someone and a minute later, out comes an employee with a beautiful German Shepard. 
"Bus, bus, bus!"
"No buddy, that's not Cerebus, that dogs name is," Jason looks to Tim.
"That there is  Thunder.You want to pet him?"
"No funder!" He puts his hands back over his ears getting upset.  "He gets up and starts humming and pacing.
"Ryan, that's the dogs name.  It's not going to thunder."  Josh looks st Jason.  "He's petrified of thunder and lightning"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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