Chapter 15

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Tomorrow didn't come soon enough for Jason.  He barely slept, worried about Ryan.  He had a thought in the middle of the night.  Sonny talking about horses for kids with special needs. How about dogs he thought.  Cererbus out of his vest is a big puppy.  He loves everyone.  Maybe they could take him with them today to see the kids.  Brock could always take him home if it isn't going well. 

Jason brings it up to Sonny in the morning.  "Hey, what do you think about taking Cererbus with us today."
"Ya know, that might not be a bad idea.  Kids love dogs," Sonny smiles.
"That's what I thought.  If it doesn't go well, Brock can take him home.  Should I text him?"
"Yah Jace, you do that and I'll grab a shower.  Wanna hit the diner?  I'm starving."
Jason grabs his phone and says, "ok, yah.  Let's do that.  I'm actually pretty hungry myself."

Jason sent Brock a quick text asking him about bringing the pup along today.  He quickly agreed thinking also that it's a good idea.  He also agreed with Jason if there's any issues, he would take him home.  He told Jason he may be a few minutes late, but not to worry he'd be there.

Jason and Sonny  went for breakfast and decided to get some groceries.  There's not much left at the house besides beer and the only reason there's a bit of beer yet is because they haven't been drinking much lately. 

"You do realize if that little boy is yours, we won't be drinking as much as we usually do?"
"I know I won't, but it doesn't have to affect you." Jason chuckles.
"Well, uncle Sonny will have to set  a good example and you're going to need my help."  He says  sincerely.
"Thanks man, and you are right.  I am going to need you and I want you to help me with this as long as you want.  I don't ever want to keep you from living your own life.  So I want to say this now,  I will greatly appreciate your help, but I will never expect your help.  If you ever feel I'm taking advantage or you want to change any of this dynamic, tell me. Understand?" 
"I understand boss, and I will.  We are sure going to be a different kinda family, huh."
"Ha, yah we will, but I think it will, but in a good way."
"Speaking of, what do you plan to tell Em and Mikey? "
Jason pauses to think. "I have no idea. But I'm not even going to think about that until I know for sure. There's no need getting them worked up if it's for nothing..... I worry what they will think. I mean granted Alana and me were done, separated, and we didn't get back together, but still, this is going to hurt them both and they will probably hate me."
"Hates a strong word Jace. I think they will surprised, upset, but once they see that little boy, you can't not fall in love with him."

"That's just it Sonny. I want them to be mad at me all they want, just not take it out on Ryan. It's not his fault, he didn't do anything wrong and he deserves a loving childhood and family like they had, and still have...... Now how they react to all his needs, it's a lot to ask of them."

"Jason, don't get ahead of yourself. You have two kind, loving, compassionate children. Have a little faith in them."

All of the guys end up running late. Jason got stuck on a call with the bank. There was a mistake with Emma's tuition payment and he had to get it straight. "Jace, it's fine. We're just a little late," Sonny says  pulling into the parking lot. He notices that they are still the first to arrive. "Well, let's go see what Josh needs help with."

Getting out of the car they notice the kids are all on the other side of the park, playing a game it seems. They hear screaming and run in that direction. "What the hell!" Jason yells as they both take off running towards the building. The screams getting louder the closer they get. Busting through the door they both have the wind knocked right out of them when they see the scene in front of them.

Josh is with Ryan, and this poor kid is beyond upset. He's knocked over chairs, a table, and there's books covering the floor. He's screaming and pacing. Josh doesn't notice them at first, but he's trying to calm Ryan.

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