Chapter 11

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Jason and Sonny decide to hit the gym early. They avoid the base and go to a local gym instead. It did both of them a ton of good.  They leave feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

     "Jace, you think this kid is yours, don't you? "

     "Sonny,,,,,,,I do actually.  I can't explain it, but I just feel a connection with him.  I know he looks nothing like me, but I swear to God he looks so much like his mom.  The blond hair and blue eyes, that's her.  I know physically he doesn't look anything like me or Emma and Mikey, but that's possible right?  Both kids had lighter hair when they were small, but it darkened as they got older.  Neither of them were small like him.  His mom was small.  Smaller then Allana.  But this kid is super tiny......  Maybe I just want it to be true and I'm tricking myself.   I don't know." 

     "Look I don't know anything about biology, or how it's decided what color eyes you have, but I do know that a Jason Hayes gut feeling is hardly ever wrong.  That's what I know.  And maybe some of the reason this kid is so small is not just his genetics but his environment too. I mean hell, he ate his snack so fast yesterday and I'm not sure if you noticed but TJ took his crackers and put them in Ryan's back pack.  That tells me he may not be getting enough to eat.  Maybe that's a sad factor of his entire life,"Sonny says.

And I'll tell you something. This is serious Jason. If you listen to one thing I tell you, let it be this. If Ryan is yours, I know you want him with you and that's where he should be,..... but you can't separate him from TJ Jason. Those 2 are best friends and Ryan needs TJ. I think TJ and Shawn are probably the only ones who have looked out for Ryan consistently. TJ , as young as he is, helps Ryan navigate the world. I think without TJ, the world would completely swallow Ryan up because no one has ever gave a damn."

Jason sits and takes in what Sonny has said. "You are 100% right. I hadn't thought that far ahead, but I'm glad you have. I will be very aware of that if he's mine. I swear I will do everything to support that friendship. And if I forget along the way, I'm sure you will remind me."

"I will definitely do that," Sonny replied. "Alright, let's get something to eat. I'm starving. Let's hit the diner before we go home. Your treat," Sonny smiles.

"Ha, nice sliding that in there. Let's go, I'll pay."

Finishing lunch Jason and Sonny head to Jason's. They have about an hour before they leave and Jason's getting antsy. "Boss relax, you're bringing ice cream there's no way he won't show up," Sonny chuckles.

     "I guess you're right," he chuckles.  "He looked pretty happy at the mention of it yesterday.  Maybe he will  talk.  He doesn't seem to say much."

     The others arrive and Jason decides he's driving this time.  He stops at a store close to the center and comes out with double chocolate ice cream and a box of waffle cones. They arrive at the center and see Josh's car in the lot. They walk in and can hear that Josh is on the phone.

"Look, all I'm asking is for you to do your job. Nothing more, nothing less. His IEP is past due and I want a date before Friday."

"Jace maybe we should wait outside," Ray begins. Before he can answer, he hears Ryan's name.

"First of all taking Ryan's playtime because he can't stay in his chair during class makes perfect sense. Please tell me you see how idiotic that is?..... Ok, so we can at least agree on that. I've requested this before and I'm requesting it again. He needs a 1 to 1 aid. He needs someone during class to keep him on task, and help keep him in his seat and worse from leaving the room. For Gods sake he's got out of the building twice!"

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