Chapter 20

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Jason takes a peek side ways at Ryan as the little boy rests his head on his shoulder.  The little boys eyes are glazed over and looks like he hadn't slept at all.  Trent walks over and looks at Ryan saying, "Jason, if he dozes off let me know so I can check him over."

Jason walks around the park holding Ryan,  while he fought sleep.  TJ walks over, sees his friend and Shawn decides it's better to just let Ryan be.  TJ reluctantly leaves his friend, though happy to see Ryan okay with someone else touching him.

It's not long before Jason knows he is asleep. He's standing and swaying the little boy, just enjoying him in his arms. He fits perfectly. Trent comes over and carefully places his stethoscope on Ryan's back listening closely. He then checks his pulse and relays to Jason that heart rate and pulse are ok, but he has been given a sedative, it's obvious. Jason decides to sit on a picnic table, but within a minute, Ryan is fussing and getting upset. Jason quickly stands again and starts walking through the park, Trent qalongside  him. It doesn't take long for him to calm back down before Trent replies. "I see a lot of this in your future.  He needs repetitive movement as a way to cope and calm himself.  If I were you, and the results are in your favor, I'd be looking for a nice , comfy rocking chair and a therapeutic swing.  Oh and a good pair of walking shoes," Trent laughs softly. 

"Therapeutic swing," Jason questions.
"It's a swing, some look like a hammock and you can put it in a door way, and he can swing in the house.  They are easy to put up, and move.  I think he would love something like that."

"Yah, that sounds perfect. I'm gonna need you for stuff like that. How did you even know about that?"
"Ive been ......researching some stuff, and I came across it and knew it will be important to have one."

Jason assumes Ryan is going to wake up anytime, and when he does, he is blown away by the fact that he just won't let him put him down. He clings to Jason almost as if, he looks at Trent, and Trent says, "he's scared."
Jason is fuming on the inside. This little boy is afraid of something. "Ryan, buddy, it's ok. No one here is going to hurt you. I won't let them. I promise" Ryan just holds on tighter, with both arms now. His thumb has abandoned his mouth to be sure he doesn't get put down. "I stay TJ house.... Pease....", and the tears start.
"Shhh, it's ok." Jason knows it isn't. "Go get Josh."
Trent turns and takes off jogging towards the building. Seconds later Josh comes out with Sonny right behind him.

"I cannot believe he's letting you hold him."  Josh sounds amazed. 
"Well Ryan keeps repeating something and it's not me he should ask."  Jason says.  He's putting it on Josh, and he doesn't care one bit.  He's not going to be the one to break Ryan's heart.
"I stay TJ..... House..... Seep, there, pease..."  More tears.  The poor little boy is shaking,
Josh wants to crawl in a hole.  "Not yet Ryan.. Soon though."  Josh answers.
Sobs can be heard now.   "I,I,    I goo TJ, PEAS!" 
"I be dood, I be dood.."
Sonny is almost in tears himself.  Watching Ryan breakdown in Jason's arms is too much.  He can't take it.  He doesn't know why the next sentence falls from his mouth.  "Ryan, buddy, it's ok.  You might gotta go back to that place but Jason, ohhhh Ah, Puppy, is having a little cook out field trip for you kids this weekend, at his house.  I'm sure Josh can bring you over if we ask real nice."  Sonny looks at Josh with a smirk." 

Ryan is hiccuping, and everyone isn't sure he heard Sonny.  "Puppy house."
Yep, he has a big back yard and and guess what?" 
Ryan doesn't look at Sonny, but has quieted down and he's sure he's listening.
"Puppy has a swing set!"
Ryan lifts his head at hearing that.  "I go puppy," he wipes his eyes.
Ryan starts moving like he wants down and Jason reluctantly sets him on the ground."   He spots TJ and goes in that direction.  TJ meets him half way and they head off together.  Ryan's moving pretty slow, proof he's still under the influence of something.

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