Chapter 6

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     Jason arrived at the diner 15 minutes early.  He gave himself a quick pep talk, before hoping out of the truck.  He looks around and doesn't see anyone sitting alone so figures he's the first to arrive, he spots an empty booth back in the corner and decides it's the best option.  He sits so he's  facing the door and will hopefully spot Joshua when he walks in. Jason prays this guy is on time. Being alone with his thoughts is just making him anxious.

At exactly 7, the case worker walks in the diner, looks around and meets Jason's eyes. Jason nods at him and Joshua walks over to the booth. Jason stands and extends his hand and says, "Mr Bennett, it's nice to meet you. I'm Jason." Mr Bennett replies, "please call me Josh, I prefer not to be so formal."

They both sit down and before they can even begin talking a waitress appears. Both men say they would just like coffee, and she rushes off to get it. Josh starts by saying, "I gotta admit, your phone call surprised me today. Never in a million years would I think Navy Seals would be interested in becoming volunteers at my after school program."
Jason takes a second before replying. "Every year we all spend time volunteering. Last year it was for a Domestic Violence Shelter.  We volunteer our time and collected donations for the shelter.  Even making sure the kids staying at the holidays have  Christmas presents.  We all really enjoyed it. Each year through the Navy we are asked to participate in a program of our choice. My team and I prefer to choose one foundation to work together, and it's not unusual for our families to join in."
"Wow." Josh says, "that's pretty admirable. Especially with the job you guys have that's already giving so much of yourselves..... So, uh, would you like to hear a little about the after school program?"
"Of course, Jason says, I'm actually quite curious about it."

Josh decides to dive right in. "I'm actually a case worker for the county's  foster care system, and I also started  the program. Now the kids I have in the after school program, some are my cases but mostly the kids are low income neighboring area kids. Like I said, only a few of my kids are involved, while a majority of them are kids that their parents work, or they are in a single parent home. Some kids come because they just want to avoid home altogether." Jason just sits and listens. He doesn't have any questions just yet. Josh continues, "The kids come at 3:00 and are there until 6. We help with homework, play games, do arts and crafts and sometimes even go on field trips. The kids get a snack when they arrive if funds allow but they always have dinner before they leave. Some of these kids don't get enough food at home so it's critical that a meal is available for everyone."
Jason is quite impressed with what he is hearing saying, "that's actually pretty amazing. I didn't realize there are so many kids in need in our area. What happens if there isn't enough food?"
"Well sadly, sometimes there isn't a snack for them, but if I have to pay for the dinners myself, then that's what I do. Sadly my monthly budget is quite low so I try to stretch things as far as I can. Sometimes I succeed, and sometimes I come up short," Josh says. 
"How many kids do you have in the program if you don't mind me asking?" 
"Well typically I have between 10 and 15 that are on the books as participants and 1  that is included whenever they show up."   That peeks Jason's interest.  "That's really nice that you include that kid.  What happens when they don't show up? "  "Well that one is actually a case of mine.  When they don't show up I worry until they do.... And after a few days, I go searching." 
"Sounds like that one's a handful," Jason chuckles. 
"You have no idea," josh laughs.

     "That's basically it.  I need people to show up, help the kids with their homework and just spend time with them.  Playing games or creating art or whatever helps them realize they matter and someone is listening to them.  These kids are at risk..... Some more then others.  I really think having a few Navy Seals around when  your schedules permit would do wonders for these kids.   Most of them just need to feel like they matter and are important.....Is this something you think you and your team would be interested in?" 
"Actually, Jason says, I think this is exactly what we are looking for.  I know you would need to speak with the others, but can you tell me what clearances we will need.  I can have someone at work take care of that just in case we make the cut, we can start soon." 
"Heres a list of the things I will need, and once I have those, we can set up a time for me to meet the rest of your team.  I'm thinking we may just be able to all get together and do the interviews all at once, if that's ok?"  Josh asks.  "
"That will definitely work for us," says Jason.

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