chapter three.

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Craig - Tuesday Morning

My shirt sticking to my chest, I wake up in cold sweat. My braces stick to my dry lips as I rub my eyes. I probably should get ready, I slide out of my bed as the world around me spins. Placing my hand on my forehead, I grab a chair to regain my balance.

"Fuck." Everything around me goes black as I drop the floor, only to see Tricia stand over me. Shaking me as I close my eyes.

"Craig?" A voice echoes in the empty void, "Craig can you hear me?"I try to open my eyes, my mouth, anything. But I just can't, I know it's Tricia but I can't tell her I can hear her. "It's okay, Craig, I called mom, dad and the ambulance," Tricia's voice is vague, "You're gonna be okay."

In the span of what felt like hours, I feel myself getting carried and placed on something hard (presumably a stretcher), a new voice appears, "What happened?"

Tricia answers, "I don't know, I was in my room when I heard something fall."


I wake up in a hospital bed, not able to feel my left leg. Tricia looks over at me, worried. Adjusting to the harsh and cold hospital lights, my eyes try to roll back but Tricia quickly holds my head, "Craig, look at me."

"Trish- What-" I try to talk to her, only speaking two words, hoping she knows what I'm saying, "What's- Wrong-"

"I found you on the floor, you were passing out," Tricia looks down, "I called mom and dad when we were in the ambulance. They told me they'd come here."

"What time is it?" I manage to say, not caring about my parents.

"It's 10 am," Tricia tells me, "You've been awake a couple of times, but this is the first time you said a structured sentence," She laughs, I grin, nodding. The doctor walks in, holding a clipboard, he smiles at me.

"Morning Mr Tucker," He greets me, "You are lucky that Tricia was with you and that you didn't walk out of your room in case you were to fall off the stairs." I look at the doctor, nodding.

"What happened to me?"

"We think it's nothing severe," The doctor assures me, "You did fall on to your leg, fracturing your ankle. We will, unfortunately, have to do an x-ray, give you crutches and limit your activities."

I nod again.

"We have a couple of visitors for you already, I presume they were your friends and they should be here soon," The doctor shakes my hand before walking off and talking to a nurse, "Goodbye." Tricia and I wave, watching the door swing open.

"Holy shit, Craig," Clyde walks in, "You good, man?"

"I don't know, I guess I fractured my ankle," I respond, shrugging.

"L-l-l-less PE for you, I see this an absolute w-w-w-win!" Jimmy jokes, making me laugh.

"W-we were so worried a-about you- gAh!" Tweek stutters, "E-especially Token."

Token rolls his eyes, "Fuck- Craig, you need to stop being dumb."

"Dumb? I don't know her," I respond, chuckling.

"Shut up and let us be worried about you."

The door swings open again, "Damn, looks like the entire year is gonna be here," Kyle looks at the guys, "You good, Craig?"

"Mr Mackey told us you were in the hospital so we ditched to go see you," Stan says, "We thought you died."

I roll my eyes, "I'm fine, I just fell on the floor and I fractured my ankle," I tell them, "They told me I'm out in a couple o' hours."

"Uh- Craig, we're leaving, I guess I'll see you later," Clyde scratches the back of his head, getting increasingly more awkward, "Bye," I wave at them as they exit, Tweek looks at me one last time before getting pulled along by Token.

"Yikes-" Cartman grimaces, "Quite the history."

"Shut the fuck up, Cartman."

"I didn't know guys could have that much drama," Tricia says, obviously trying to make me feel better but only making it worse. Cartman and the guys talk with me for a while, but I just focus on Kenny and so does he.

Cartman, Stan and Kyle leave, and Tricia too. Leaving me and Kenny alone, he flips his hood off, looking at me concerned, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Oh yeah, totally," I say semi-sarcastically, "How about you?" I divert the attention away from me, plus I'm just a lot more interested in him than a piece of shit like me. He looks at me up and down and he rolls his eyes.

"I guess I was shocked- but I'm here to apologize to you- Craig," He rolls his sleeves upwards, showing his bare arms plagued with scars, marks and random blotches, "I was really convinced that it was the cigarette that did this to you and I'm so fucking sorry."

Looking at him, I grow more confused, "You're legit the last person that should say sorry to me, and so what if it was? I won't hate you for it."

"I dunno, I just kinda felt bad for you when Clyde and hist walked out like that," He sighs, "Look don't get mad or me- but it looked like you were really hurt by their actions," I open my mouth to say something, only to close it again.

It did really hurt me.

"Kenny, you really don't have to worry about me," Smiling weakly, I look at my hands, "I can handle it."

Sure, Craig.

Kenny narrows his eyes, "Okay, Tucker," He reaches out for my head and ruffles my hair, "I'll see you at school, dork."

"Bye loser."

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