chapter thirty-four.

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Stan - Monday Morning

When Tricia and I stood in front of Craig's locked door, we were kinda worried. But when I knocked on the door for the hundredth time and Kenny opened the door, I wasn't as worried anymore.

"Oh fuck-" Kenny rubs his eyes, "' Sup?"

Tricia and I look at each other before looking back at Kenny, "Honestly, this was bound to happen," Tricia facepalms as Kenny looks back into the room, without letting us in, "Can I please see my fucking brother?"

Craig pops up behind Kenny, "Hey Stan, hey Trish," He sticks up a peace sign, "Why are we all having a communal gathering at my door? Aren't you supposed to go to school?"

"Yeah, supposed to," Tricia scratches her forehead, "I swear to fucking God, Craig, I'm going to be fucking late for school if you don't bring me right now," Craig rolls his eyes before running to his closet for a shirt, jacket and socks.


Now, the two of us are in the car after driving Kenny to his house and Tricia to her school. Craig and I sit in the car in silence before he interrupts it by turning up the radio, "Kenny finally stayed over, that took a while," I comment, looking over at him.

"At least I didn't kiss someone and start dating them," Craig responds, stopping in front of the red light, "I'm sorry okay? I was so fucking tired yesterday and I fell asleep and I couldn't wake up."

"I'm not mad or anything," I shake my head, "I was just kinda surprised that Kenny was here too, looks like the whole grade's going to be there tomorrow," He chuckles as a response, pulling up in the parking lots of the school.

Locking the car as we walk to the front of the school, we catch up with Kyle and Cartman in homeroom. Sitting down with Kyle and Cartman, Craig goes to his usual table. Everyone's talking about the dance, and I'm looking forwards to it. Kenny walks in before heading to our table, he whispers something in Craig's ear making him laugh.

"Hey fags," Kenny sits down slowly, placing his bag on his lap, "You guys excited for the dance?" Kyle and I look at each other as Kenny shifts in his seat, cursing under his breath.

Kyle leans on his elbow, "Yeah, I'm pretty hyped for it," Cartman scoffs, leaning back in his chair, "Did you have fun yesterday?" Kenny rolls his eyes, cracking his knuckles. Kyle and I noticed what happened yesterday, and it wasn't a sleepover. 

"And that's on having a couple as your best friends," I add, "Sorry Kenneth."

Cartman facepalms, "Ay caramba."

"Shut the fuck up," Kenny rubs his face, "This is why- I swear to God- I want to kill myself," Cartman laughs as Kyle and I join in. The teacher lets us out early and we all head to class, and we all decide to skip the first lesson because no one cares about Art. 

Kyle - Monday Morning

"Headshot," We're sitting on top of some random cliff overlooking some shit houses in Southpark, Cartman throws a cup against Craig's head, "Oh fuck," He scurries away as Craig picks up the cup.

Cupping my mouth, I turn to Cartman, "I think you should run faster!" Stan chuckles as Craig runs after Cartman, they disappear for a while as Kenny lights a cigarette. Clyde scratches his head as Craig and Cartman run past again. 

Token rolls his eyes as Clyde starts cheering Craig on, "Don't fucking encourage him, dumbass," He leans back as he watches Craig nail Cartman with the plastic cup.

"Fuck!" Cartman yells, "Right in the ass."

Stan claps, "That can be taken so out of context," He scratches his neck, "How dare Craigory "Feldspar" Tucker attack the thickness of Eric "The Grand Wizard King" Cartman," Craig scoffs as he takes a cigarette from Kenny.

"Let's give it up for the only guy that can't grow facial hair, " Craig applauds Stan, making everyone laugh, "I probably shouldn't have said that, now's he's going to blast "Numb" by Linkin Park in his room."

"Functioning emo," Stan chuckles, "That's the first reference that you got."

"Yeah, it's called hearing the same song being played by the same fucking emo every single day," He responds, everyone watches the conversation's back and forth, "Oh, you were retiring your Black Parade merch right? Who's getting the emo-mantel?"

Kenny - Monday Afternoon

It's the last lesson, I spin a pen in my hand. The teacher writes something on the whiteboard as I watch the clock tick down on the minutes. Everyone's watching the time, I know it, everyone's looking forwards to the dance. Bebe is sitting next to me, typing on her phone as Mr Mackey tries to get through to the class as a sub. But no one's listening to him, which is kinda said.

We have presentations today, and I didn't do shit. But I have a feeling that the heavens are going to be gracious and not make me present today. And it is as if they listened to me, Mr Mackey chose Scott, Kyle, Nichole and Wendy present. 

I think I spaced out for the entirety of the lesson because I only remember Scott's presentation and then nothing. The bell rings and everyone jumps, completely ignoring Mr Mackey as we all run out. Hurrying to find Craig, I practically fly into his arms.

"Hey douchebag," He wraps his arms around me, "How was last lesson?" 

Shrugging, I grab his hand, "Kinda spaced out, but we had presentations," I say, Craig hums as we walk outside, "I'm so fucking excited for the dance, I feel nauseous."

He nods, "Same, I can't wait to see everyone dressed up, having a good time, fucking around so we all can have a hangover the next day," He drives out of the parking space in front of the school, shifting the gear stick.

"Completely unrelated," I say after a moment of good silence, "Do you think I'm tall?"

Craig raises his eyebrows as he looks in the rear-view mirror before looking at me, "What's your height? You're just as tall as I am right? How tall are you?"

"5'10," I say, as he stops in front of the red light.

"See?" He looks at me, "We're the same height then."

"Nice, finally a couple in this school where there isn't a height difference of 500 feet," Craig places his hand on my leg, as I snicker, "Have you seen Kyle and Stan's height difference? Kyle's like 6'1" foot and Stan's 5'7" or something."

Craig scoffs, "Have you seen Nichole and Token? Holy fuck, Token's 6'4" and Nichole is 5", that's the biggest height difference in the grade," He steps on the gas again, "We're pretty tall compared to everyone, I guess."

"How tall's Clyde?" I ask him.

Craig pats my thigh, "How would I know?"

"You're gay, and we are known to have a good eye for those type of things," I shrug, "So? How tall is Clyde?" He grins as he shakes his head. 

Taking his hand off my thigh so he can shift gears, "5'7", I think? I know Bebe's 5'8" and Tweek's 5'7", how tall's Cartman?" He pulls up in a drive-thru, "What do you want?" We order and pick it up before driving to some random spot. 

"I think Eric's like 5'9", I guess we kinda are tall," I hand him his burger, "Token's 6'4", Kyle's 6'1", we're 5'10", Cartman's 5'9", Bebe's 5'8", Clyde, Tweek and Stan are 5'7", Wendy's 5'4" and Nichole is 5"."

He raises his hand for a fist bump, "Third place."

"I can fuck with that," I wrap my hand around his fist.

Craig takes a bite from his burger, "You can fuck with everything,"

"Especially you," I retort, eating my fries.

"Yeah, that too," He laughs.

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