chapter thirty-seven.

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Kenny - Monday Evening

"I'm so excited!" Bebe exclaims as Clyde drives us to the dance, "We all look so good! I can't wait to see Wends, Nichole, Token, everyone! The sleepover is going to be awesome as well, one hundred percent, I promise," Clyde laughs as Bebe continues freaking out.

Clyde looks at me as I sit in silence, "What's up? How're you feeling?" I shrug, looking out of the window.


Bebe "awes" me in the back of the car, "Don't worry, babes! The blond bombshells are going to work their worlds," She sticks up both of her thumbs, "I can feel it," Clyde pats my shoulder as we continue driving to school.

"Sure," I smile, as Clyde drives into the parking lot of the school. Clyde and I step out of the car to help Bebe out of the car. Locking arms with me and grabbing Clyde's hand, Bebe drags us along to the lit PE hall. 

As soon as we walk in, we see Nichole and Token checking all the food and drinks as Jimmy, Stan and Cartman are laughing somewhere near the seats. The hall is slowly filling up as we walk over Nichole and Token, "Hey!" Nichole waves at us, "Looking good! We stan the silver couple."

Bebe laughs, "I love the dress Nichole, you chose well," They start talking with each other as Clyde and I walk over to Token, "Has anyone seen Mr Tucker? We can't have two couples without the other boyfriend."

Joining in, Nichole prods me, "Yeah! Where is your Prince Charming?"

"Probably smoking a fag," Clyde jokes, looking up at me and Token. 

Wendy makes her grand entrance as Nichole and Bebe fly into her arms, "Ah! It's a suit! The suit!" Bebe claps for Wendy, "You look so fucking good! A queen!"

"Smoking hot," Nichole comments, walking Wendy and Nichole back to us, "Stan, Cartman, Jimmy! Get over here!" She waves at Stan who jogs away with Cartman and Jimmy, "Where the fuck is Craig?" Stan looks around before shrugging.

"I swear he was just here a minute ago," He then looks at me, "Looking good, douchebag."

Rolling my eyes, I look away, "Ditto, Mr Marsh," I compliment his full-black suit, "Where's the redhead?" Stan points towards the restrooms. More people start arriving as I see Tweek and Heidi turn up together, "I think I'll go and find Craig, I'll be right back?"

Heidi interjects, "Craig? I just saw him at the door."

Tweek nods, "Y-y-yeah, he said he was- gAh! Looking for you."

Waving at everyone, I leave. Navigating the floor, I can't see him anywhere. I meet Kyle somewhere in the middle but he also had no idea where Craig is. Walking to the door, I open it to slip outside. Finally, I manage to see him sitting on the wall outside. 

"Hey," I slide next to him, looking at his suit, and I wasn't expecting him to look that good. If it wasn't for him grabbing my arm, I probably would've fallen off, "Sorry-" He hoists me back next to me as he puts out his cigarette. 

"All good," He smiles, looking at me up and down, "You look fucking good, I feel like I'm underdressed compared to everyone else. But we went full-on matching didn't we?"

"And we didn't even notice," I wrap my arm around him, "And why are you outside? Everyone's looking for you," Craig shrugs, kissing me on the cheek, "You shaved."

He chuckles, hopping off the wall, taking me with him, "I didn't think you'd notice," Grabbing my hand, we walk into the PE hall, "Brace yourself, Nichole's been waiting for us to match together since I got here."

"We're gonna get fucking jumped."

"Counting on it."

Craig - Monday Evening

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