chapter twenty-nine.

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Kyle - Friday Evening:

"When is he going to pick you up?" I ask, looking up at Stan as he runs his hands through my curls.

"Do you want me to leave?" He tilts his head and his hand tugs on my hair.

"Nah, I just wanted to talk about something, " I tell him, "Before he picks you up, " Stan nods.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I'm sorry about what I said today," I lean against his knee, "Still kinda tense and I know Heidi was there this morning, fuck- I just wanted to be there with you."

"Kyle, it's fine-"

"No, it's not," I pull him down to sit next to me, "Just let me apologize, I know Heidi's fucking mad at you and I don't want you to get shit dumped on you because she's with the bitch squad."

"Thanks," He smiles, wrapping his arms around me, "Don't worry about it, Wends and I are on "chill" terms right now, I just don't want you to get an ass-load of shit dumped on you too."

"I know you don't, just when you see Kenny or Craig- Just tell them it's my fault, and I take full responsibility," I lean on his shoulder, "Maybe we're moving too fast, maybe I was jealous of them for being so casual about it."

"Yeah, maybe you're right," Stan sighs, "Are you trying to break up with me?"

"No, you dumbass," I laugh, "Let's take it slow, what I wanted to talk to you about was if-" He tilts his head as I hesitate.

"Go on?"

"If you want to move in with me?" I look at him, "We can get an apartment, not as a married couple but as friends, you know?" He smiles.

"Sure, Kyle," He nods, "I'll be your roommate, how about we start looking for apartments in a couple of weeks? I'll get my stuff from my house, you get yours, you'll say by to your family, I say "fuck off" to mine and then we're sorted."

A car honks outside, "Okay," We stand up, I grab his hand, "Screw taking it slow, I love you, Stanley."

"More," He waves at me, "Bye loser."

He walks out of my room with a smile on his face. Closing the door behind him, I feel myself getting warm and fuzzy. Fuck me, this was a lot easier than I thought. 

Stan - Friday Evening:

Walking up to the car, I see Kenny and Craig. Smiling, I step into the car, "Hey fags," I say, "You guys aren't pissed at each other anymore?"

They look at each other and then they snicker, "Nah, it's all solved," Craig looks at me, "How's Kyle?"

"He told me to tell you that he's sorry and that he takes full responsibility," I tell them, Kenny rolls his eyes, "Also we're moving in with each other."

"Jesus Christ," Kenny comments, "When's the wedding?"

"Shut the fuck up," I flip him off, but Craig's just silent, "Craigory? You good?"

"RIP, now I don't have a roommate anymore," He responds, returning to his normal stoic ways, "I'm fucking happy for you when are you guys moving?"

"Haven't decided."

Craig starts the car and we continue talking for a while as we drop Kenny off at his house "You guys are moving fast," Craig taps the steering wheel as we wait at a traffic light.

"We talked about that too, but it felt right, you know?" I try to explain, "He's the person I can see myself loving for longer than 2 months, and that's just it."

"Sure, I respect it," Craig responds.

"What about you and Kenny? How'd you solve it?"

"I have my ways," He continues driving.

"You guys fucked, in short."

"It's none of your fucking business."

"No wonder why Kenny smelled like our body wash."


"I'm still your roommate dumbass."

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