chapter seven.

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Craig - Friday Afternoon

Strumming the strings on my acoustic guitar, as I tap my floor. Feeling the rhythm, I hum silently as I stare outside of the window as leaves fall. I want to get into a good mood for tonight, I also still need to finish my English paper and take a shower before Kenny comes to pick me up. Suddenly, Trisha enters my room, holding a stack of letters. 

"What do you want?" I look at her, raising my eyebrows, "Are you okay?"

"Mom wants you to call her," She looks around my room, "You should play the guitar more, it sounds good," She then closes the door and leaves me in silence. Shaking my head with a smile, I place my phone against my ear.

"Hey, mom," I tune my guitar, "What's up?"

"Hey, sweetie," My mom sounds on the phone, "I just wanted to call you to tell that dad and I'll be home Saturday. Our flight got delayed, is that alright?"


"Okay, baby, I heard from Trish that you were playing guitar again, had a good week?"

My thoughts wander to Kenny, and I smile to myself, "Yeah, I'm also hanging out with a couple of friends tonight, and Tricia's heading to one of her friends."

"That's great, Craig," She pauses, "Have a good day, okay? Don't stay up too late and no drinking, okay?" She says okay a lot, and I snort.

"Okay, mom."

"I love you."

"Love you too." Hanging up, I sigh.

"That was cute," I look up to see Stan sitting on my windowsill, smirking, "' Sup Tucker?" He slides into my room as he looks around.

"How long were you there?" I grab my guitar before placing it against my bedside table, "Aren't you supposed to be smoking in the junkyard?" He rolls his eyes.

"I was here since you stopped playing your guitar," Stan admits, "I just wanted to talk to you about something that's kinda dumb," I furrowed my eyebrows looking at him. He awkwardly cracks his knuckles as he bites his bottom lip.

"So?" I dig my hands in my hoodie pocket as he picks at his nails, I pat on my bed, "Dude, just tell me." He sits down me and he sighs.

"My dad kicked me out," He tells me, as he takes off his hat, "And I need a place to crash, I have no money or anything," I look at him as I narrow my eyes, "I already asked Cartman, but he told me he has family over and I don't want to put even more stress on Kenny." I ignore that he doesn't mention Kyle.

"Sure, you can crash," I say casually, tuning my guitar as Stan looks up at me, surprised, "What?"

"This means so fucking much to me, thank you dude," He hugs me and I hug him back, "I don't think you understand how fucking grateful I am." I pat him on the back.

"Where do you wanna stay?" I walk him around the house, "I guess you could stay in the guestroom, but it's kinda small, and you'll be home alone anyways."

"It's fine, Cartman, Butters and I are heading to the new diner that opened up," He brings his bag inside of the small guestroom, "Thanks, Craig."

"No problemo, Stan," I look up at him, "Do you wanna chill in my room while I get ready? If you want you can write my English paper for me," I laugh as he rolls his eyes.

"Sure, Craig-o."

Stan - Friday Afternoon

Sitting on the floor of Craig's room, I crack my knuckles looking around. Craig is pulling things out of his closet as he hums quietly. My music is blasting out of his Bluetooth speaker as he walks into his bathroom. Leaving me alone in his room.

I lost my car, my room, my stuff. The only thing I managed to grab was this lousy bag, my phone, and earbuds. Then my dad just shut the fucking door in my face. Fucking good for nothing weed farm, it's all because of that, I bet. Fucking Shelly too, she just had to fucking snitch on me, fucking bitch. 

It's also all because of Kyle. Fuck me.

"Stan, wait."

"Why do you always say that? Why wait, why not now?"

"You legit have a girlfriend, dude."

Maybe it wasn't his fault, just that party fucked me up. All that fucking alcohol, god-fucking-dammit. I groan loudly, I hear the shower turn off and after a couple of minutes. Craig steps outside, his hair wet and changed. A white t-shirt and black ripped jeans are not something I've seen Craig wear before. 

"Sauve, dude," I nod, impressed.

"Fuck you," He walks over to his closet, grabbing a black leather jacket out of his closet, "Why were you kicked out anyways?" He rummages through his closet as he talks to me.

"It's a couple of things, I snuck out a couple of nights ago and Shelly snitched on me," I lay down on the floor as Craig fastens his ear piercings, "I also stole alcohol and cigarettes," Craig looks at me and shakes his head,

"Yikes," He snickers, "I heard from Bebe that heard from Wendy that heard from Cartman that Kyle and you did something," I freeze as I look up at him, "Woah dude, what's with the face?"

"Did Kyle tell Cartman?!" I exclaim, Craig shrugs as he puts the jacket back in the closet and pulls out a hoodie, "What the fuck!" Groaning, I facepalm, "Now the whole fucking school's gonna now, fuck me!"

"Stan, bro, calm down," He looks at me, "Everything's gonna be fine, just talk to Kyle about it. He'll fucking understand, and I bet everyone will forget it. Got it?" He raises his eyebrows, "Yeah?" I nod.

"Thanks for being the gay older brother I never had."

"Fuck you, Stan," He laughs, flipping me off.

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