chapter thirty-two.

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Stan - Sunday Afternoon

Sitting with Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman at the diner, Cartman lets out an elongated sigh. All three of us turn to look at him as the waitress places our milkshakes on the table, "What's up fatass?" Kenny nods towards him, "Still mad that Heidi rejected you?"

"Of course, I'm still mad!" He exclaims, angrily sipping his milkshake, "Fuck her though, she can go with Twitchy."

Kyle looks at me as we both grimace, "That's the wrong type of mentality to have, my man," I say, "Maybe you could go with someone else? What about Lola?" I propose.

"Red?" Kyle asks.

"Jenny?" Kenny adds.

"Nelly?" I suggest.

"Or with a guy, you know we're inclusive. But you could go without," Kyle raises his eyebrows, "How about that?"

Cartman scratches his chin, "Didn't Bebe say that we need to have a date?" Then all three of them turn to look at me, "Stan? What about Wendy?"

Shaking my head, "There's no way that I'm going to try and convince Wendy to convince Bebe to let you go to the dance without a date."

"Hey, Stan!" Wendy greets me, "What's up?" I sigh.

Scratching my neck, I look at the guy sitting inside, they all stick up their thumbs, "Hey Wends," I say, "I was wondering if you could make a tiny exception for the dance."

"Hm, for who?" She hums, "Who acquires Wendy "never lies" Testaburger's assistance?" I snicker before answering her


"Why?" She asks me through the phone, "What does he want this time?"

"He doesn't have a date."

"Fine, fine, I'll see what I can do."


"Bye Stan."

Kyle - Sunday Afternoon

"Did it work?" I ask him as he slides back into his seat, "Is Cartman home-free?"

He shrugs, taking a sip from his cup, "She said she's gonna see what she can do, so I'm not sure if it worked or not," He looks at Cartman, "Finger crossed."

"Homosexual," Kenny says, "Home of sexual."

"Are you having a stroke or are you describing yourself?" I ask, confused.

Kenny laughs, stretching, "I'm having a stroke, I think," He runs his hand through his hair, "Anyways, what's happening in your lives right now?" We all look at each other, waiting for someone to start talking.

"I'll go," I say, "There's currently nothing happening in my life you guys don't know about," Stan, Kenny and Cartman clap, sarcastically.

"Me next!" Stan exclaims, "I think I'm finally moving on from my emo-vegetative state," We clap for him.

Kenny chuckles, "I hope you're joking, whatever would we do without our dearest MCR-fanboy?" He clasps his hand against his forehead, "Woe is me!" Laughing, I lean back.

"My turn," Cartman announces, "I'm the only guy in our group that isn't gay and in a relationship."

"Not factual," I stick my hand up, "I'm bi, so is Stan and Ken's pan."

Cartman shrugs, "At least I'm right about one of them."

"I guess you are," Stan chuckles, "Fuck me, man, this is the last year with all of us together, this is the end," We all stay quiet, hesitating to say something. Kenny tugs on his sleeve as Cartman taps the table. The mood switches completely.

"Yeah," I say, "I- I'm going to miss you guys, well excluding Stan, I guess, but yeah. We need to enjoy our years as friends, a lot of fucking things happened in a short period," Everyone agrees.

"Who said we're stopping being friends? We still have forever, no problem," Kenny says, before sighing, "Right?" No one says anything, as I just look at my hands on my lap, Stan slowly reaches over to mine, quietly intertwining our fingers.

"Jesus Christ," Cartman sighs, "The main four huh? Just like that, it was as if we were in 4th grade a day ago, I wish we were, to be honest. Growing up fucking sucks," We all agree.

"I'd cheer to that," Kenny raises his glass, "Cheers?"

"Cheers," Stan, Cartman and I join in with Kyle.

Kenny - Sunday Evening

Sitting down on the boulders in front of Stark's, I crack my knuckles. The cigarette in my mouth hangs limp as I skid a stone over the waters. The sun's setting slowly as I light my cigarette, inhaling the fucking smoke of death.

Yeah, this is the end. Just like that. No more high school and we have to start university, and bills and- Calm down, everything's going to be okay. You, Kenneth McCormick, can do this. You are the shit, no cap.

Blowing the smoke out of my nose, I hear the crunching of leaves and stones behind me. Turning around, I see Butters, slowly approaching me, "Hey Leo," I say softly, he smiles before sitting down next to me.

"Oh, hamburgers," He grabs a stone before skipping it, "How are you, Ken?"

I look at him, "Fine, how about you?"

"Great," He smiles, "Long time no see, right?" I hum, blowing out the smoke.

"Yeah, I guess so."

We sit in silence as Butters pokes me, "Hey? Are you okay?" I nod as an answer, "I heard about you and Craig, you guys make a great couple! I also heard about the dance tomorrow, that sounds exciting, too bad that my mom won't let me go."

Patting his back, I throw another stone, "That sucks, maybe you should sneak out, we miss you, Leo," Butters looks at me as I suggest it, "I'll help you, we can sneak you out, drive you there-"

Leo cuts me off, "Kenny, it's okay. I don't want to, I'm okay, I want you to enjoy your last months with your friends," He smiles, "I want you to do that, Kenny."


"Ken, I'm serious. I haven't been with you guys for 6 years, this is it. I don't talk to Stan, Kyle, Tweek, Cartman, anyone. We aren't friends anymore, that's it," He nods, "Okay?" I sigh, throwing the cigarette on the ground.

"Okay, Leo," I say, "Okay, I won't sneak you out."

Butters traces my face with his hand, "I'm dead socially, Kenny, I'm not alive anymore, this is the end, okay?" He cups my face, "This is it, Ken, I'm gonna miss you."

"Am I interrupting something?" I hear Craig's voice behind me, "Oh hey, babe, " Butters lets my face go, "Leo?"

"Hey Craig, " Leo waves at him, "I heard about you guys! You guys make a great couple."

Craig thanks him before he walks off, as soon as Butters rounds the corner. Craig's smile disappears, "Wow, I didn't know Butters was alive, I thought he was dead."

Grimacing, I stand up, "Craig- It's not what it looked like, I promise."

Craig scoffs, "He was literally holding your face, I texted Tweek to give him a date, and you're out here kissing your ex?" He rubs his face, clearly trying to calm down, "What happened, can you explain it to me?" He asks me, a lot more gentle than I thought he would.

Sighing, I look at him. Switching between looking at his eyes and mouth, "I didn't know Butters would come here, I was here alone, no meetup, nothing. He's not allowed to go the dance because of his parents, " I confess to him, "And I offered to sneak him out so he could go, but he refused. And that's all, nothing happened."

Craig narrows his eyes, "Let's go to my place."

𝖍𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖜𝖔𝖗𝓴. (𝖈𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖞)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz