chapter four.

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Kenny - Tuesday Afternoon

I'm worried. Not only about what happened to Craig but also because he was lying to me. Narrowing my eyes, I bite the top of my pencil. I stare at the whiteboard as the teacher writes down shit that I probably won't remember tomorrow.


Sighing, I place the pencil on the desk. All three of my brain cells are turning trying my best to focus, but it only leads me back to his eyes. The sapphire shine at night, dead blue when he's with his "friends".

As soon as the bell rings, I practically throw my stuff into my bag. Trying to catch up with the group, only to lock eyes with Clyde in the hallway. I tell Stan that I need to do something and he nods, allowing me to slide away.

"You," I walk up to him.

"Me?" Clyde raises both of his eyebrows.

Making sure that everyone wasn't watching, I grab him by the front of his jacket, "Why the fuck did you do that, you bitch?"

"What did I do?" Clyde exclaims, playing dumb.

"You know."

"Kenny," He tries to push my hand away, but I only grip tighter, "Obviously I don't fucking know what you're talking about, spit it out."

"One single fucking word; Craig," I push him against the row of lockers, "Why the fuck did you just leave? I thought you were his "best friend"? Right, Donovan?" Clyde looks at me, before understanding what I mean.

"It's not like he cares," Clyde rolls his eyes, "All he ever cared about is himself, not his friends."

"That's not fucking true," I hiss.

"How would you know, bitch-boy?" Clyde tears my hand off his jacket, "If Tweek isn't something that Craig cares about, then why would he care about you, me, Token or anyone?" I look at him in disbelief.

"Shut up."

"Why do you care so much about an emotionless piece of shit?"

"Thanks," I spin on my heels, almost immediately facing Craig. His chullo hat in his hand, and leaning on his crutches. He looks defeated, his eyes dead as his eyes bounce around to look at the both of us.

"No- Craig-" Clyde begins.

"Shut the fuck up Clyde, suck ten dicks and fuck off," Craig growls, his voice breaking. He moves away, leaning on his crutches and you know what Clyde does? He just stands there, in no state to run after him.

Craig - Tuesday Afternoon

That's the first time I've cried in school for years, years. All because I can't keep friends, like the quote-on-quote "emotionless piece of shit" I am. Maybe Clyde was right, maybe I don't care about anyone. Not about Tweek, not about Kenny or anyone. Limping out of the building after abandoning my crutches in my locker, I manage to make my way to the back of the school.

Not expecting to see Cartman, Stan and Kyle there, I pause. "Craig?" Cartman asks me as Stan takes the earbuds out of his ears, MCR blaring out of them, "What's up?" I quickly wipe my face, covering up as if I was coughing.

"Nothing," I reply.

Kyle tilts his head, his red hair exposed under his bright green hat, "You sure?" I nod, trying not to be noticeable, "I hope you know you can tell us, we're here for you."

"Appreciate it," I answer, monotonously, "Can I talk to you, Stan, for like a second?" Stan raises his eyebrows as he stands up, "Thanks." Stan helps me hop to a corner where we can talk, I lean on him by wrapping my arm around his neck.

"I saw you, Kenny and Clyde, when I went to the bathroom," Stan looks at me as I sit down, burying my face in my arms, "Is that what this shit is about?"

"Yeah, when they were talking I didn't want to crash them so I stood behind them for a couple of minutes and I fucking hear, I shit you fucking not," I pause to take a shaky breath, as anger seeps out of my pores. "Clyde called me a fucking emotionless piece of shit, and that I didn't care about my ex-boyfriend, about Kenny or anyone. He told Kenny that I only cared about my self."

Stan answers, hints of disbelief as he speaks, "Clyde said that? And you didn't flip out?"

"He did," A voice answers, Kenny crouches down as I look down at my shoes. "You good?"

"Yeah, I guess," I pick at my nails, "I'm used to it, but just not from fucking Clyde and especially not like that," Looking at him, I just notice his bleeding nose, "Holy fuck. Are you okay?"

"Fuck me man- You guys are gay," Stan laughs, "Imma leave you two alone."

Kenny sits next to me, and he places his arm on my shoulder, "Sorry- I think I fought someone," He laughs, "But I'm okay, don't worry about it." I roll my eyes, "What?"

"I love the fact you're like "I'm okay" but you have a fucking bleeding nose," I laugh, "I dunno I guess I worry too much sometimes." He nods.

We talk for a while before Kenny hesitates to say something, "So... When do you wanna go on that date?" I'm surprised as I listen to him.


"Cool, I'll pick you up after school then."

"It's a date."

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