chapter fifteen.

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Craig - Tuesday Morning

"Are you sure about that?" I move my hands into Kenny's shirt, as he looks down at me, I press my lips against the base of his neck. I move his shirt upwards and his toned body is shown. Kissing the lower area of his stomach, I move my hands towards his thighs.

I think I'm going crazy, I fucking am. Pressing my hand against my forehead, I look up at the ceiling. There's no emo talking to me. Stan's lying, I know he still cares a lot about Kyle. But I also know that Kyle aksed Heidi out on a date. Kyle told me when we went home, and honestly? I was happy for him. Fuck me, Stan's like my little brother. Now I have to take care of not one, but two little shits. Only Tricia isn't such an emotional wreck. 

Tired, that is what I am. So fucking tired. Rolling out of my bed, I land on the floor. My door opens and Tricia walks in, she looks at me confused. "Is this normal?" Stan suddenly appears behind her, "What the fuck is up with you?" I flip him off.

"Fuck off," I look up at the ceiling, "What do you guys want? Can't a dude lay on his fucking floor in his room?" I manage to look up at them.

"We're only looking out for you," Tricia scoffs, "Douchebag." Stan high-fives Tricia as they both start giggling like children. Groaning, I sit up, both of them shut up and we all just stand in silence.

"What are you doing?" I tilt my head, "Why are you guys so caring all of a sudden, and why the fuck are you still in my fucking room?" Stan and Tricia look at each other before Tricia whispers something in his ear.

"We just wanted to give you a heads up, since your parents left for a conjoined business trip and your stuck babysitting us," Stan leans against the door frame, "And school starts in an hour."

"Who cares? We're not going anyways," I wave my hand at him, lazily and most importantly, not giving a shit.

"I am, Craig," Tricia pipes up, "And you need to drop me off, dickhole," She steps into my room, "Now get the fuck up so you can drive dad's car," She stands opposite me and she holds her hand out.

"Fine," I grab her hand and she pulls me up, "I'll get ready, see you two in ten," Both of them nod before walking out of my room. Walking to my closet, I pull out a pile of random clothes before grabbing a normal every-day-Craig pair of ripped jeans (this time in the black edition), a douchebag-white Red Racer shirt and number 276 of Craig's blue hoodies. Sliding into my bathroom, I brush my teeth and decide not to put in any gel.

Cautiously, I make my way down the stairs and I grab the keys off the counter. Stan sips out of a mug as he looks at his phone, I bite into the granola bar as I lean against the kitchen island, "Slept well?" Stan looks up at me.

I shrug, "Same old, how 'bout you?" I ask him, finishing the bar. Opening the lower cabinet, I throw it away, "Stanley."

"I snuck out," He tells me, "Kyle wanted to talk to me- Wait do you know?"

"What? About Heidi and him?" He nods as I ask him, "Yeah, I knew, he told me when we were dropping him off at his place." Stan rolls his eyes, annoyed.

"Why do you know? Why didn't I know?"

"Because Kyle didn't want to tell you, he thought he'd hurt your feelings, Stan," I respond, "You know how Kyle is, we both do." Stan nods, crossing his arms across his chest.

Stan - Tuesday Morning

Sitting in the front of Craig's dad's car, with Tricia in the back and Craig on the wheel. We drive to school, "Where's the hat by the way?" Craig asks me as he looks in front of me, "You haven't taken that thing off your head in forever." 

"Threw it in Stark's Pond," I say, nonchalantly, "I needed a new look anyways, had that thing for longer than a decade, space-boy." Craig hums, turning left onto the main road. We drive into the school parking lot and Tricia slides out of the backseat, "Bye Trish."

"Adios, losers," She smiles, closing the door and waving at us before catching up with her friends. Craig sighs as he backs up and drives out of the parking lot. We drive to Kyle's house and my heart only starts beating faster. Craig pulls up in front of his door.

"Can you ring the doorbell?" He asks me, "I'll stay in the car," I nod, hesitantly. Opening the door, I step on the sidewalk and I walk up Kyle's steps. Before I can ring the doorbell, Ike opens the door and he looks at me.

"Stan?" He tilts his head sideways, "Do you want me to call Kyle for you?" I nod, and Ike smiles, turning around, "KYLE! Stan's here!" He cups his mouth and Kenny walks down the stairs, Kyle following him. 

"Why aren't you going to school?" I ask Ike, he smiles, "What?"

"I'm "sick"," He winks, "Don't tell my mom, though," I roll my eyes, "Bye Stan."

"Bye kid," I ruffle his hair before walking behind Kyle and Kenny to Craig's car. Sliding back into the front seat, Craig brings the cigarette to his lips, "Cartman's next, right?" Craig hums, before blowing the smoke out of the open car window. Kyle and Kenny are talking in back as I try to fix the zipper of my bomber jacket.

"Does anybody want the AUX?" Craig asks us, "Play some emo music to help the goth sitting in the front to cope with life, Kyle," Craig looks at me as he turns into Cartman's street. He's already standing outside and he steps inside next to Kyle. Rolling my eyes, Kyle scrolls through his phone finding the perfect "emo" song for me. 

"This is why I hate all of you," I scoff, laughing. 

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