chapter eight.

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Kenny - Friday Evening

Fondling the rose in hands as I stand in front of Craig's front door. Before I knock on the door, I check myself in the reflection of the glass pane next to it. I wait for a while before the door opens, instead of Craig or Tricia, Stan looks at me, smiling. "Woah- Stan?" I laugh.

"' Sup, Ken?" He leans against the door frame, "Here to pick up pretty boy?" I nod as he wiggles his eyebrows.

"What are you doing here, anyway?" I light a cigarette as he sighs.

"Long story short," He begins, "I got kicked outta my house and I needed someplace to crash, so I broke inside of Craig's room and he's letting me stay." I snort, as I bring the cigarette to my lips.

"I'm surprised he even let you," Turning my head to the side, I blow out smoke, "Where is he, by the way?" I look past Stan and I see Tricia sitting at the kitchen counter, "Hey Tricia!" I wave, she flips me off.

"I thought he was done, but he wasn't so I opened to door for you, Ken," Stan shrugs, "Be grateful I didn't let you out in the cold." I roll my eyes. Looking past Stan again, I see Craig making his way down the stairs. He leans on the railing as he cautiously walks down, as soon as he sees me he smiles.

"Hola," He stands next Stan, "Bye dude," He looks at Stan as he wiggles his eyebrows, "Oh fuck off."

"Wear protection, fags," He sticks out his tongue, "Bye Craig." 

Craig - Friday Evening

We're sitting on the banks of Stark's pond as Kenny pulls out his phone to play some music. Finally, hearing a different song than I Don't Love You by MCR is refreshing. Somehow, Kenny managed to steal alcohol. He brings the can of beer to his lips as I tell him about Stan, "Basically his dad kicked him out 'cause he stole alcohol and shit from him, and-" I pause, "Nevermind."

"No, shut the fuck up," Kenny laughs, "You can't just tell me a fucking juicy ass story and hit me with that fucking "nevermind"," He punches my shoulder.

"It's confidential," I push him, "Aka none of your fucking business," He rolls his eyes, "Pass me a cig and the tequila bottle, bottom." Kenny looks at me as he gasps.

"You didn't."

"Maybe I did."

We look at each other before we burst into laughter, Kenny grabs the tequila bottle and his packet of cigarettes, "Here you go, quote-on-quote top," He hands them to me and I pour the tequila into my mouth, "And that's why everyone hates you," He watches my wipe the excess off the corners of my mouth.

"Bet you can't do that."

"Bet," He grabs the bottle and he nearly chugs the entire bottle, "Looks like you couldn't do that, hm?" I pull a surprised face, jokingly, "I know, I know, impressive."

"I'll revoke my top-rights," I look at him, "That was kinda hot though," I wink. 

"I know, that's why I did it, dumbass," He flicks my forehead, "I didn't want my stomach to hurt for nothing," I light my cigarette as I roll my eyes for the fifth time today, "Now, I want my prize."

"Fine- I'll tell you, fuck-boy," I wrap my arm around his shoulders, "Stan got kicked out because his dad found out about him and Kyle, I dunno why I thought Randy wasn't homophobic. He also told me he asked Cartman and stuff if he could crash, but he has family over. He also didn't want to stay at Kyle's."

"Why didn't he ask me?"

"He said he didn't want to give you even more stress and pressure."

Kenny - Friday Evening

Sitting in front of each other I watch Craig, "Thanks for taking care Goth McBitchface when I couldn't, Craig," He nods, gazing at the pond, "And I mean it."

"No problem, Ken," He takes the plastic cup with beer as he gazes back at me, "I'm happy I could help him, I knew something was off when he turned up to my house." 

"How long do you think that he's been kicked out for?" I ask him, Craig shrugs, "Maybe he stayed at Kyle first and then he did "the thing" and then his dad found out about?" 

"Tweek told me a couple of things when we were walking to Chem, but it was just some things he's heard from Cartman and Wendy," He takes his chullo-hat off before slicking his hair back, "But I think "the thing" happened before Stan got kicked out, but it looks like Kyle and Stan haven't talked in a while."

"Do you think Wendy knows about them?"

"Yeah, Wendy found out because of Cartman, Kyle told him."

"Yikes," I pull my knees up to my chest as he crosses his legs, "I'm relieved they aren't together anymore, imagine the drama Wendy'd create if they were still dating?" Craig shudders.

"Then I'm not coming to fucking school," We stay quiet for a while, I just swirl the last beer in my cup around as the calm ambiance of the night fills the space, "Can I ask you something?" Craig peers at me.

"Only if I get to ask one first," I grin, raising my eyebrows, Craig nods, "Do you still think about Tweek a lot, like when you're alone at night?" He glances at me, he narrows his eyes and he shakes his head. His black hair returning to its messy state.

"I haven't done it in fucking forever, even when we were still "dating", I loved him, but he's not someone I'd think about," Craig declares, "The guy means a lot to me, but I will never want to lay awake in the evening wondering if he thought about me the same."

It remains silent again, "Oh- I'm sorry to give you those memories again," I reply.

"It's fine, it legit is," He smiles at me, "My turn I guess- Would you still have asked me out if Clyde didn't ask you for your homework?" I remain quiet before bursting into laughter as Craig looks at me, surprised and confused.

"Wait- Are you- Are you asking me if I wouldn't have asked out the most attractive guy in the motherfucking grade?" I grab his face, as he smiles, "Are you dumb? Are you fucking stupid? Clyde asking me for my homework for anything was an excuse for that I'm a mega pussy."

Through my random laughing and talking, I hardly notice the tear sliding down Craig's cheek. As soon as it hits my hand, I notice that he's crying. He holds my wrists as he cries, I tilt my head as I wipe the tears from his face.

"Oh, Craig-" I sigh, "Come here," I open my arms and we hug each other. I lay my head in the crevice of his next as he just holds me tight.

"I guess I'm just an emotional drunk," Craig chuckles in my ear.

"You can say that again."

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