chapter thirty.

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( hi, hey, hello, holy fucking shit. you guys gave this book soo much fucking support, istg. expect these chapters to be the last, but a new book is coming soon. thanks for everyone that's re-supporting me... i love all of you so fucking much )

Craig - Saturday Afternoon

Fuck me, I need to finish this assessment. I started way to late because of yesterday, goddamn. Stan's on my floor, flipping through his textbook as he takes notes. Adding the last points to my essay, I turn to Stan, "Fuckhole," I poke him with my pen, "Hello?"

"What?" He looks up, scratching his chin, "Are you working on the assessment that's due in two weeks?" He nods towards my open laptop.

"Nah, I already finished that," I respond, "I'm working on my Spanish assessment, anyways, we still need to buy suits."

Stan looks at me as he tilts his head, "Suits?" He looks off to the side, "Oh... for the dance? Fuck, you're right. We have like one and a half days to get suits."

There's a pause.

"I'll get the guys."

"I'm getting my bag."

The both of us jump us, I get my phone and Stan runs downstairs for his bag. Texting everyone in one chat is fucking tiring, I add Cartman (E), Kyle (Ky), Kenny (K), Tweek (Tw), Token (T), Clyde (Cl) and Jimmy before texting them.


Cr: hey fags, stan and I are getting suits for the dance

Cr: wanna join us?

E: Who The Fuck Are You Calling Fags?

E: Yeah, I'll Join

Ky: Same.

Tw: Ok!!!!!!!!! Where are we going????????????

T: I know a place, meet at mine.

Cl: Aye, aye captain black

J: What a sausage fest, amirite?

T: ...

J: What an audience!

K: what the fuck is happening lmao

Cr: "lmao"

K: shut up @ you

E: Everyone Shut Up

E: The Cocksuckers Are Talking With Each Other

Cl: I'm adding Stan

Cl: We can't have a Kyle without a Stan

J: He has such a way with words *sigh*

Clyde added Stan.

Cr: are you going or not @ kenny?

K: do I have a choice?

S: no.

Ky: hey stan

S: hey 

E: I Want To Kill Myself 

T: Not this again.

Cl: Put It Down starts playing in the background

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