chapter eleven.

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Stan - Saturday Early Morning

Honestly, I don't know why I'm awake, I guess I'm just waiting for Craig or his parents. Cartman dropped me off a couple of hours ago, man- I miss my truck. Finally, I hear the front door open. The room of Craig's room opens and he walks in, "Oh, hey," He nods at me, "You're still awake- You good?" I nod.

"Yeah- I was just waiting for you," I stand up, "Do you want me to go?" I question him, Craig shakes his head, "Oh okay, how'd it go?" Resting next to Craig on his bed.

"It was so fucking amazing," He studies his hands.

"Sounds like you guys had fun, and a little too much," Grinning, I tap his jaw, "You left a spot, just so you know," Craig flips me off as he stands up.

"I'm just gonna get ready, stay here if you want, I don't care," He walks to the bathroom and I'm alone again.

Rolling my eyes, I stick out my tongue. Grabbing my phone, I scroll through my contacts. It's like 3 am, will Kyle pick up? Probably not. I decide not to call him and I just wait for Craig. The door opens and Craig steps out in sweat pants and an over-sized shirt, "' Sup?"

His jaw and neck are covered in dark purple bruises and I shake my head. "You two legit fucked each other up," I laugh, "Let me see," Craig hunkers next to me and he turns his head away so I can examine the hickeys on his jaw. Whistling, I tip his head upwards, "Jesus fucking Christ, Craig."

"What? Are you jealous? I got fucking busy tonight," He murmurs.

"What the fuck did you do? Are you gonna tell me?" I question him.

"No- I don't think I will."

"Did you just quote Endgame?"


Craig - Saturday Morning

Stan is in the guestroom and I'm alone in my bed. Just now, I realized that I forgot my jacket. And when I think about my jacket, I think about Kenny. His soft skin against mine, the same churning feeling in my stomach returns every time I picture his eyes.

(very heavily implied sexual themes ahead, you have been warned)

"I-I hate you," Kenny manages to mumble. Before I stick my leg between the gap in his thighs, he murmurs, wriggling under me, "F-fuck."

"Something tells me, you've never been topped before," I taunt him, "I wonder why?" My knee rubs his crotch-area and he moans, throwing me off for a second.

"G-give me a chance, T-Tucker," He moans again as I thrust my leg up against the side of his inner thigh. Gripping my hair tighter, he bites his lip as he looks up at me. Throbbing, I bring my face closer to his. Planting a sloppy kiss on his mouth as I move my hands to his thighs, still keeping my face close to his.

"I like that sound, can you do it again?" I whisper in his ear. Now resting on my knee, I grasp both his thighs, pulling his abdominal area closer to me. Moving down from his mouth, I move to his bare neck. Rubbing his thighs and biting his collarbone, I hear Kenny struggling to conceal a moan, "C' mon, do it for me."

Turning to my side, I can't help but see his face in front of me. I have no idea what time it is, I grab my alarm clock from the nightstand. 7:13 am, I've slept for 4 hours and 2 minutes. And through those 4 hours, I've played the same scene over and over in my head. My parents will be home in two hours, I guess I'll just make breakfast for whoever's up. 

My door creaks open and I manage to cover the hickeys with the blanket, "Craig?" Tricia pokes her head into my room, "Oh hey, can I borrow a pen?" I narrow my eyes before nodding. She grabs a pen from my desk and walks out of my room again.

"Close the fucking door!" I shout at her but she just flips me off, "Thank you, Tricia!" I shout, sarcastically before hurrying to the door to slam it closed. Walking into my bathroom, I check the bruises and cover them all with concealer. Slipping into a different pair of sweatpants and a shirt, I slide down the railing of the stairs.

"Morning, douchebag," I open Stan's door, "Wake up, dumbass," I flick the light switch a couple of times before Stan's weary head pops up.

"Wha- Oh, good morning," Stan rubs his eyes, "I'll be out in a sec."

"You better be."

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