chapter eighteen.

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Tweek - Tuesday Evening

This is what senior year is supposed to be, parties, friends, not fucking stress. Then again, I am Tweek Tweak, everything is pressure. Craig and Clyde walk into the house, immediately heading towards the drink table, where I am standing. 

"Hey Tweekers," Craig nods at me. "Do you want one?" He picks two shot glasses, I roll my eyes, shaking my head, "C' mon, one night."

"N-no pressure," I stick up my hands, "Y-you know m-my tolerance is low, gAh!" Clyde chuckles.

"Fine," Craig smiles, "No problem, won't pressure you." Clyde knocks the shot back and so does he. Sipping on my soda cup, I watch Clyde cough aggressively as Craig slaps his back, just making me laugh. 

"Fuck you, twitchy," Clyde coughs as Craig covers his mouth as he chuckles, "Jesus fuck-" I manage to sneak away without Clyde and Craig noticing. Heading outside, I stick my hand in my back pocket to pull out a single cigarette. I saw a lighter on the porch and surprise, it's still there. 

Lighting the cigarette, I hang out on the grass in front of the house. Looking up at the sky, several stars twinkle above me. Carefully, I blow the smoke out, coughing lightly after I bring it to my mouth. 

"Hey, Tweek."

Nearly jumping up, I look at Token beside me. "Gah! Token! You s-scared me."

Token chuckles, nodding at the cig in my hand. "I thought you stopped?"

Shrugging, I look back up at the sky. "I-I need to take a-a break," Twitch.

Of course, like the Nice Guy™ that he is, he nods, following my gaze up at the sky, "How are you feeling? You seemed pretty down when Craig and Kenny were messing around," I look at him, tilting my head to the side.

Don't cry.

Don't cry.

"B-b-better, I just wished things weren't a-as awkward- ack-" I pause, to stick the dying cigarette into the soft grass. "I was talking to Clyde and Craig j-just now, a-and I just feel j-jealous that he's able to m-move on."

He pats my back, "Hey- Tweek- I get it, I know how you feel. Remember when Nicole and I broke up?"

"O-of course I do, but at least you two f-f-fucking got back together again," I interrupt him, huffing. "I-I'm sorry Token." He rolls his eyes, laughing, making me smile a little bit more.

"You need to relax, maybe you should stop smoking."


Kenny - Tuesday Evening

Looking from afar, I see Clyde knocking back two shots, beating Stan. Slightly drunk, he turns towards Bebe. She shakes her head as she laughs at him, her arms folded across her chest, "Maybe you need to sit down, babe," I hear her tell him.

"I don't wanna," He slightly slurs his words, "Bebe, I'm fine..." He sways to the side as Craig helps him stand up straight, "Craig? What are you doing? I can stand by myself," Bebe helps Craig carry Clyde to the 8-person sofa. Stan and I follow them, holding Clyde's phone and Bebe's bag. 

Bebe strokes Clyde's hair as she whispers in his ears, making his eyes close softly. Before we know it, Clyde is asleep, his head resting on Bebe's lap, "Do you want us to help with anything?" Craig asks Bebe, she shakes her head. "Cool."

"I'll leave your stuff here," I place her bag and his phone on the table as Stan places a cup of water next to the bag. "How is Clyde drunk already? We've only been here for an hour."

"Maybe it's more of a 'you' problem?" Stan proposes while digging his hand in a bag of chips, his comment making Craig snort. "I dunno, just saying, Ken."

Rolling my eyes, I huff dramatically, "What are we doing now?"

"Bored already?" Stan answers, questioning me. "Well, I saw Wendy with Heidi somewhere on the dancefloor, I'll see you, gents, later." He slides away, I catch a glimpse of him and Wendy greeting each other before the party lights flash in my eyes.

"What are we doing?" I ask Craig, after a moment of silence. He looks at me, his eyes probably more depressed than normal, "Hey? You good?" He moves his head, sinking his hands into his hoodie's pocket.

"I- need to go outside," he tells me, without even having to tell me what's wrong, I follow him outside, through the back door. The awkwardly placed (and empty) picnic table is where Craig chooses to sit down. "Fuck- I needed to sit down, sorry dude."

"No sweat," I comfort him.

"My hands are surprisingly fucking cold," he says, holding up his trembling hands.

"Mine are warm," I stick out my hands. "Here," I hold his hands, rubbing them. "How the fuck are they that cold?" I exclaim. Craig shrugs, smiling at me. Slowly, I move towards him, before I nearly touch his knee, I stop. Not even realizing that I'm still holding his hand, I grin. 

"Fuck me- Stop smiling so much, the stars are getting jealous."

Almost immediately, I become flustered, "Now that's one I want you to use more often," Closing my eyes, I bare the biggest smile I have. "What about now?" He doesn't respond, "Craig?" I open one eye and I see Craig put away his phone.


"Fuck you."

"We can do that later. 'Cause we're at a party."

"You're no fun."

"Says you."

"Shut up, fag."

"Says you."

Why are you so dumb? Just fucking kiss me already, I'm waiting, stupid. 

Craig - Tuesday Evening

"You are dumb, aren't you?" Kenny responds.

"I got it," I smile. "I'm not stupid, by the way."

"How would you possible fucking know, you-"

Grabbing his face, I kiss him. Both of us pulling away, Kenny looks at me, confused. "That's what you wanted, right? For me to kiss you, right?" He nods slowly.

"I never said that I wanted you to stop."

Pulling me closer, Kenny wraps his arms around me. As we lock lips, the only thing I can do is close my eyes as I run my hands through his surprisingly soft hair.  I don't want it to go too far, so I just keep it lowkey and I think Kenny got the memo too. 

Too bad that was thrown out of the window as soon as Kenny let me go and he whispered: "Please, Craig, please." I shake my head, "Why not? What's stopping you, Craig?" He asks me, his eyebrows furrowing.

"C'mon, we're literally outside someone's party, we can't keep on doing this in the grass."

"Fuck- You're right."

We remain silent.

"My place?" I suggest.

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