chapter twenty-two.

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Kenny - Wednesday Afternoon

"Can I call you tonight?" I poke Craig. "We can do Tuesday all over again, but this time just the two of us."

"You planned the first, I'm planning this one- Fuck that- I planned this one," he responds as we walk to his car. "By the way, I still need my jacket back." We step inside the car.

"What jacket?" I laugh. "You're wearing my hoodie." I flip the hood of my hoodie over his head. "You don't have a lot of authority to say that."

"Whatever," he rolls his eyes, running his hand through his hair. "Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Can't, I have an assessment due tomorrow."

"Okay, but you still have to call me though."

"Yeah, yeah."

I step out of the car before waving at Craig as he reverses out of the parking lot. Digging my hands is my sweatpants' pockets as I walk home, I don't want Craig to drop me off 'cause I fought with my dad. If he sees Craig? Fuck- WWIII would start right there.

Opening the front door, I head inside. My dad's watching the only channel we have on our charity TV as my mom irons clothes. Hearing Karen in her room, I check in on her. "Hey Karen?" I open the door slightly. "You good?"

She smiles at me as she sticks up her thumb, "Just playing with dolls."

"Okay," I nod, going into my room. Opening my window, I let the disgusting aroma of my room out. I take out my paper and singular pen as I start writing my assessment. "Fuck," Dropping my pen, it somehow rolls under my mattress. On my knees, I move my hand under the bed as I try to grab it.

I hate school.

And assessments.

Save me.

Stan - Wednesday Evening

Why do they call it evening? It's only 5:07 pm. Craig practices his chords on his guitar as I rummage around in his room. "I thought Kenneth was gonna call you?" I ask him as I stick my phone into the charger.

"Thought so too," he responds. "But- He said he was doing his English assessment, so I guess he's busy." I shrug as a response, but I don't think he can see me since he hasn't looked up at me.

"Did you talk to Kyle?"

"Nah- He hasn't been online since yesterday evening," he strums his guitar.

"Were you checking your phone during your rough buttsex with Kenny?"

"Shut the fuck up," he flips me off. "That was at like 12, I was doing shit at 2."

As Craig tunes his guitar, I stand up before flopping back onto the floor. He looks at me as I look up at him. "What?" I put my hand under my head. "You're stupid, you know?" He rolls his eyes as strums, silently.

"You're stupid-er," he responds. "Catch," he throws my phone at me, but it lands on my stomach. "Oops," Craig says in the most monotone voice.

"Why'd you do that, fag?" I take the phone off my stomach.

"Kyle texted you, fag."

Kyle-y B:

K: Hey douchebag

S: You good?

K: Yeah wdym?

S: You weren't at school today

K: Ik

S: Bro why are you so dry all of a sudden??

K: You tell me

S: What is up?? Why the fuck are you acting like this??

K: I dunno

K: It's not always like I'm the bad guy Stan

S: I wasn't blaming you for anything?? Just bc you missed a day doesn't mean you can act like a douchebag

K: I'm not acting like a douchebag

K: You're just being irrational

S: Why the duck did you text me then??

S: ** fuck

Kyle-y B is typing...

"Are you okay?" Craig walks past me with his guitar in his hands. "You're typing aggressively, are you guys fighting?"

"Nah, not really," I shrug.

"Shut up, I can tell by how fast you're replying, are you being a dick again?" He questions me as he sits down. "Show me."

"No, fuck you-"

"Don't want to add another one to my body count," he comments as he takes my phone out of my hand. 

He reads my messages. "What's the verdict?" I ask him.

"Maybe you should apologize even though you didn't do anything," he scratches his chin. "Kyle's fucking pissed, you can tell, ask him about Heidi." He gives me my phone back as I raise both my eyebrows. 

"Heidi?" I frown, seeing Kyle's message come in as I see Craig nod in the corner of my eye. "Oh wait, he responded."

Kyle-y B:

K: Why are you so hostile all of a sudden? I thought we were BSFs and now you're acting like an asshole. If you were that "good of a guy" then you'd ask me what's up.

S: I did???

S: Look, Kyle, I'm sorry

S: Is this about Heidi?

Kyle-y B is typing...

"What did he say?" Craig asks me, looking over my shoulder. "Looks like someone's on their period." I snort, waiting for Kyle's message. Craig's phone rings on his desk as he stands up to get it.

"Is it McWhoremick?" I ask him, Craig picks up.

"Hey Ken," He says stepping outside of the room. "Don't touch my stuff," he flips me off as I laugh at him.

Kyle-y B:

K: Nah, that's not it. I'm failing math and I was gonna ask you for help, but somethings came up at home. 

S: Shit, sorry to hear

S: What happened??

K: Nothing too bad, just Ike needs surgery

S: Awwwwww

K: So my dad and mom can't help me

S: Do you wanna come over?? Craig's home and so is Tricia, but Craig's calling Ken

K: Okay

S: See you :))

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