chapter twenty-six.

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Kenny - Thursday Evening:

The dance is tomorrow and I have a date now? And I don't even have a suit for tomorrow. I guess you can say I'm a busy man. Craig told me to dress "decently" so here I go ditching my usual attire for something that helps me fit in with society. Jesus fucking Christ, the generic depressed teen just jumped out of me, sorry.

It's 6:15 right now and he told me that he'd pick me up at 6:30-ish. So, I think we have a reservation somewhere. Pulling out a white blouse that was from a wedding a couple of years ago that my mom bought three sizes too big and a pair of pants out of my closet. I think I'm ready.

My mom and dad brought Karen to go with them to the supermarket. For the first time in a while, the house is empty. Stepping outside, I light the cigarette in my mouth with the lighter Craig gave me as I put on my jacket.

Blowing out the smoke into the clouded skies, I look down at my cheap phone. As soon as I hear the sound of tires on the asphalt road, I know it's Craig. He steps out of his side to open the door for me, raising his eyebrows as he looks at me, "I've never seen you wear something like that before."

"Do you like it?" I slide into my seat as he closes the door and steps into his seat, "Or is more like "I never want you to wear something so fucking ugly ever again", because honestly? Same."

"Nah, it looks good."

"So what's the plan?"

"We have a reservation at some quote-on-quote fancy restaurant, my mom recommended," He turns onto the main road, "Are you okay with that?" He reaches over me to rummage in the door slot on my side.

"That's cool, I've never been to any place fancy unless you call a Burger King fancy," I respond as Craig laughs, handing me the gum packet, "Thanks."

"Can I have one?" He keeps his eyes on the road as he turns his head slightly towards me, I stick a piece of gum in his mouth, "Gracias," He turns back to the road. We pull up into a parking lot of a restaurant I've never seen before. Letting me out of the car, we walk to the front door. A waiter brings us to our table, receiving "fucking kids" looks from the people in the queue.

Looking at the menu in front of me, Craig orders water for us. Before I know it, we're out of the restaurant. Fuck time. We walk back to his car and we drive to a higher area that looks over South Park. Craig turns off the engine as I turn on the radio.

Craig - Thursday Evening:

Stan and I were discussing something before I left to pick up Kenny. We talked about the conversation I had with Kenny, and I told him that want something with Kenny. He's sweet, he's caring, he's cute, he's... perfect. Every night after our first evening together, I thought about him, the same memory on replay, and it still returns.

I'm going to ask him to be my boyfriend.

There, I said it.

He's so special to me and I want him in my future, our future. Stan told me that Kenny would say yes, but I'm scared of rejection. Looking down at my AppleWatch, I check the time, 8:52. My heart is pounding my throat and I hope he doesn't notice.

"Thanks for paying, by the way," Kenny's voice sounds next to me, "You're doing way too much. Say thanks to your mom, too," Nodding, I smile.

"No worries, and I will," I open the door, Kenny looks at me confused, "What? Oh- We're sitting on the roof. Are you coming?" He steps out of the car and he climbs onto the roof using the hood. I follow him and we sit down, the lights of cars passing by, the Tweek Bros. coffee shop is busy, the diner's lights are on.

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