Chapter Two:

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There was a knock at the door and Lily hurried up to the attic while Marge answered it. This time, Lily didn't stay to eavesdrop on the stairs. She was sitting on her perfectly made bed when the door to her room flew open and a stern looking woman marched in, Marge following behind her, muttering excuses.

"Well, she doesn't look very dead to me." The woman announced, gesturing at Lily.

"Well, I-this is an outrage! I never once gave you permission to enter this household! I could have you arrested for this!" Marge said frantically.

"Arrested?" The woman questioned.

"Yes." Marge said, looking suddenly smug, mistaking the woman's question for fear.

"You'll be very fortunate if I don't have you arrested- or something far worse for that matter!" The woman said.

Marge's mouth opened and closed as she fought to find words. Meanwhile the woman turned to a scared Lily.

"I am Professor McGonagall, and I am here to take you to Hogwarts- a school of witchcraft and wizardry." She explained.

Lily didn't reply, simply glancing back and forth between McGonagall and a furious Marge.

"Come now, we must be off to get your school things, do you have a bag to pack your belongings?" McGonagall continued.

She then glanced around the attic and took in the lack of Lily's belongings. McGonagall frowned.

"I see." She said, "Well, we'll be sure to get you plenty of things along the way."

"I forbid you from leaving with this crazed woman!" Marge screeched, "First Harry blows me up and now this?! I won't stand for it!"

Lily flinched and looked at McGonagall with a frightened look on her face.

"Try to stop her." McGonagall said.

Marge moved to step closer to Lily and McGonagall quickly whipped out her wand and flicked it at her. In Marge's place now stood a lamp. It was a rather ugly lamp too. McGonagall turned to Lily and nodded her head towards the door.

"Let's go then." She said.

Lily stared at the lamp, still in shock.

"She won't stay like that." McGonagall explained, "It's a temporary spell."

When Lily still didn't move, McGonagall sighed.

"Don't you want to attend a school? Make friends? Learn magic? Meet your brother?"

The last question had Lily snapping her head up.

"Harry?" She asked in a hushed tone.

McGonagall gave her a small smile and nodded. Lily grabbed her journal from under her pillow and then followed McGonagall down the stairs. Ripper barked at them and ran at Lily, looking like he was going to bite her. It wouldn't be the first time he tried that. With the swish of McGonagall's wand, the dog was transformed into a brown sock.

Lily looked at the sock. McGonagall kept walking, so Lily followed her out the door. When they got outside, McGonagall held out her arm.

"Hold on." She instructed.

Lily did so. Then the world faded away and Lily had the sensation of being sucked into a long tube. When it was over, she felt sick to her stomach, but luckily didn't throw up.

"Apperation." McGonagall explained, as if she was reading Lily's mind, "And this is where you'll be staying."

They were outside of a building called the "Leaky Cauldron".

"There is a temporary room for you here with your brother." McGonagall said.

"...I get to meet Harry?" Lily asked.

"Of course." She opened the door and ushered Lily inside.

They walked up a set of stairs and stopped in front of a door which McGonagall knocked upon. A young teenage boy opened the door. Harry didn't look much like Lily, except for his eyes. They both had the same emerald green eyes.

"Potter, this is-"

"Lily." He said, looking at her carefully.

Lily was smaller than him, and looked underweight. She had bags under her eyes, and her "dress" was an oversized t-shirt, but Harry thought she looked beautiful- just like their mum.

"You look just like our mum." Harry said.

McGonagall stepped in to explain that Harry had been brought up to date on Lily's existence and how she had been believed to be dead. When she finished explaining, she excused herself and gave the two time to get to know each other.

Lily still hadn't said a word and she clutched her notebook rather tightly in her arms. Harry invited her into the room and he took a seat on a bed while she just stood rather awkwardly by the door.

"Just wait until you see Hogwarts!" Harry tried to get her excited, "You'll love it!"

Lily looked down at the floor.

"Oh, are you hungry? We could get something to eat... or...?" Harry trailed off as she didn't react.

After another moment of silence, Lily finally looked up and made eye contact.

"Do I really look like her?" She asked.

"Huh?" Harry asked, so surprised by her speaking that it took him a moment to process what she was saying.

He had started to wonder if she spoke at all.

"Do I look like our mum?" Lily asked.

Harry smiled warmly.

"Yeah." He said, "You do."

Lily nodded and looked a bit less stressed out.

"Well, Professor McGonagall said we can spend the next few days getting to know each other before we go school shopping and then to Hogwarts." Harry said.

Again, Lily nodded.

"Why don't you have a seat?" Harry offered.

She hesitantly moved over to the opposite bed and sat down, as if afraid he was tricking her.

"So, my names Harry and I'm a Gryffindor- I'll tell you what that is later. I like playing Quidditch- once again, I'll explain later, and my favorite candy is chocolate frogs! They're enchanted chocolates that move, but don't worry, they're not real, it's just a spell."

Lily listened to everything he told her, about Hogwarts and magic and Quidditch. He even told her about the two adventures he had experienced with his two best friends, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley. When Harry was finished speaking, he looked over at Lily.

"Do you want to tell me about yourself?" He asked gently.

"I'm Lily." She said, "...I, um, used to live with Aunt Marge..."

"Oh, I hate that woman." Harry groaned, "And that dog? Ripper? Don't even get me started."

"Professor McGonagall turned him into a sock." Lily said, so quietly that Harry barley hear her.

Barley, but he still did. He burst out laughing, which surprised Lily so much that she jumped.

"Sorry, it's just- a sock! That's awesome." Harry grinned, "What about Marge? I accidentally blew her up like a balloon with magic the other day, so you can tell how I feel about her."

Lily stared at him for a moment.

"Well, do you like her?" Harry asked.

Lily thought about it for a moment. Marge was just about the only person Lily ever interacted with, but Lily never had a choice when it came to Marge. Marge was just always there, cruel and unforgiving. Lily didn't like getting punished by Marge, she knew that for sure, and Marge did punish her a lot. She decided that she didn't like Marge after all, and in that moment Lily also decided that she did like Harry.

"No." She answered.

And Harry smiled again.

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