Chapter Thirteen

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She went under the cloak with them and the two snuck upstairs to the room the Minister was meeting in.

"We have to take precautions!" The Minsiter, Cornelius Fudge was saying, "Black is after Potter and his sister very well may be in danger as well."

"Such a shame, the way Black turned out." A woman sighed, "Turning on his own friends like that- a finger was all that's left of Peter Pettigrew!"

"It's for the best that the Potter's don't know then." A man said, "If they knew that Black was Harry's godfather, there's no telling what-"

As soon as the Potter twins heard them say that Sirius Black was Harry'a godfather, Harry began to leave the room, Lily hurrying to keep up so that she wouldn't be revealed from under the cloak. Harry rushes out of the Three Broomsticks, the opening door signaling Ron and Hermione that they were leaving.

"Harry." Lily said, once they had gotten a little bit away from the crowds of people.

She gently took the cloak off of them.

"I don't understand." Harry said quietly, "Why didn't Maya tell me? Or Logan or Remus?"

"I know." Lily said, hugging him, "I know."

"Harry? Lily? What happened?" Hermione called, walking over to them.

"Sirius Black... he was their friend." Harry said.

"Our parents..." Lily added, supplying context.

"He was their friend and he still betrayed them!" Harry yelled.

"Mate-" Ron began.

"I hope he finds me." Harry interrupted, "Because when he does, I'm going to kill him."

Lily swallowed. She looked over at Hermione and Ron. Harry suddenly hugged her again. She hugged him back.

"Let's go." Harry said, pulling out of the embrace.

She nodded and followed him back to Hogwarts, the other two Gryffindors trailing behind the Potter twins. When they got back to the castle, Hagrid found them, distraught over finding out that Buckbeak was to be executed for injuring Draco a few weeks prior.

"I'm so sorry Hagrid." Hermione said, frowning.

"He never meant any harm." Hagrid insisted.

The four Gryffindors nodded and consoled Hagrid. Lily eventually gave him one last reassurance before telling the others that she was going to head to the library.

"Kay." Harry said, not really paying much attention.

He was still upset about the recent revelation regarding Sirius Black and now the news about Buckbeak. As upset as he was, however, Harry told the others not to confront the two DADA teachers about Sirius. He claimed that if they didn't want go tell him, they didn't need to know that he and Lily knew.

Lily walked towards the library when she ran into Draco. He was in the hallway alone for once.

"I know that you're hiding something." He said to her, after glancing to make sure they were alone.

Lily froze.

"W-what? No..." She said quietly.

"It's okay." Draco said, "I can recognize the signs. Your home life isn't that great, is it?"

Lily didn't respond.

"I heard that you stay with your aunt." He continued, "It's her that hurts you, isn't it?"

"Why?" Lily asked, "How do you know, and... why do you care?"

"Because I see myself in you." He said, "More than I'd like to admit. You can tell your friends about this conversation, but I'll never confirm it happened, by the way."

"If you see yourself in me, why are you so... cruel to me?" Lily asked.

Draco stiffened.

"Here's some advice for you." He said, "When the world is tough, you get tougher. That way no one can hurt you."

"Sounds lonely." Lily replied.

"Maybe, but it's better than the alternative." Draco shrugged, "I rather you hate me than hurt me."

"I don't." She said suddenly.


"Hate you." Lily explained, "I don't."


"And I'm sorry." She added, "I know you don't need pity, and I'm not saying it to pity you. I'm sorry because I know how much it hurts to be unloved by the person who is supposed to love you the most. By family."

Draco nodded. Lily turned to leave when he spoke up again.

"If it, um, if it ever gets really bad, you'd tell someone... right?"

"I don't know." She admitted, "Until recently, I had no one to tell."

"Potter lives with his aunt and uncle. You could probably ask to live with them."

"From what I've heard, my aunt can't bear to even look at me, but yeah, I'll keep that in mind." Lily said.

"And... if you need someone to talk to... you can talk to me." He said.

"Only if you do the same with me." Lily said.

"Okay." Draco agreed.


"Now you should probably go." He said, "If my friends see you here alone, they might-"

"Yeah." Lily agreed.

He started to walk away when he heard a small voice ask a question.

"Do you really think I'm hideous?" Lily asked.

He turned back around.

"That's what you called me the first time I met you." She added.

"Sometimes I say things to get at your brother, I will try to leave you out of it from now on." Draco promised.


"And no." He added, "I don't think you're hideous."

"Thanks." Lily said automatically, before realizing how low of a compliment that was, "I mean..."

He laughed, causing her to smile.

"See you around, Lily."

"Bye Draco."

She walked to the library and pulled out her books to study.

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