Chapter Thirty:

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Lily got prepared for the ball up in her dorm room. She wore a white dress, with a pearl necklace around her neck and a flower crown in her hair. When she and her roommates were done, Lavender left to go find her date. Hermione was meeting her mystery date somewhere else, so Lily stood outside her common room with Harry, December, Ron, Parvati, Neville, Ginny, Dean, Lena, Seamus, and Luna.

It was quite crowded there, so a few couples made their way down to the Great Hall, leaving only Lily, with her brother and his date, December.

"He's not here." Harry scowled, referring to October.

"The ball doesn't start for another twenty minutes." December said.


Just after Harry said that, October came around the corner. Harry glared at him, while December beamed and Lily smiled shyly.

"Hi." He greeted.

"So you're not a Gryffindor." Harry pointed out.

"No." October smiled, "I'm a Hufflepuff."


"Go badgers!" He said before turning to Lily, "Hey Lily."

"Hi, October." She replied.

"You can just call me Toby," He said, "You ready?"

"Sure." Lily nodded, so the four made their way to the ballroom.

"There you are!" McGonagall cried upon seeing Harry, "The Champions lead the first dance!"

"D-dance?" Harry stopped glaring at October and looked pale.


"But I cant!" Harry protested.

"Nonsense, now hurry up and get out there! Where's your partner?!"

Harry looked over at December, who waved.

"Well, go on!" McGonagall urged them.

Lily and October watched the first dance from the side with the others. When Hermione came onto the floor with Viktor, Lily gave her a thumbs up, while Ron looked absolutely torn between confusion and anger. Then Harry and December entered and everyone stared at the Boy-Who-Lived about to dance with "Ditzy Deci".

The music started and the champions began to dance. Hermione and Victor moved quite well together, and several students watched the two in jealously. Harry and December on the other hand, were not so graceful.

Harry was pretty bad at waltzing, and December kept trying to incorporate new moves into the dance. Soon Harry gave up on waltzing with her, and just tried to keep her from dancing too weirdly.

As Lily watched them, she heard October chuckling at his sister's behavior. When Lily looked over at him, he smiled.

"That's Deci for you." He shrugged.

Eventually the dance ended, and everyone else moved to join the champions on the floor. October and Lily prepared to dance and she saw Draco out of the corner of her eye. He stood with Pansy Parkinson, but wasn't looking too happy about it. Lily gave him a smile and little wave. He hesitated before nodding back.

Then, the music began. October was pretty good at dancing, and although Lily didn't mind dancing with him, she would've preferred to dance with someone she knew better. Pretty soon the second dance ended, and the music picked up. Lily noticed October glancing over at a group of Hufflepuffs that must've been his friends.

"You can go." Lily said, gesturing to the group.

"You sure?" October asked.

"Yes. Thank you for coming with me."

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