Chapter Thirty Six:

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Voldemort took a step towards Lily, and her heart beat so fast she thought it might explode. Was this truly the end? Was Lily going to die just like Cedric?

"Stay away from her!" Harry yelled.

Voldemort turned to him.

"Of course, where are my manners?" He grinned, and with the wave of his wand. Lily and Harry were released from their bonds and Lily was freed from the spell keeping her silent, "I would not deprive you of the chance to die in a duel."

Harry and Lily were thrown their wands. Harry ran over to Lily who met him halfway and shaking, they grabbed onto each other with their free hands.

"How sweet." Voldemort cackled, "The Potters are going to die together, just like their parents."

Harry was breathing so loudly now, Lily clutched onto his arm tighter, in fear he might recklessly attack Voldemort. He didn't.

"But first, before the death, we get to the fun part!" Voldemort declared and pointed his wand at the twins.

With a wave, their wands flew out of their hands. Lily gasped and looked at Voldemort. She slowly tried to push Harry back a bit, in hopes of shielding him, but he was trying to do the same to her. They reminded side by side.

"I'm with you, Harry." Lily promised in a whisper, "Until the very end."


Lily fell to the ground, writhing in pain. Her screams pierced the night. Harry fell to her side, trying to hold her as a source of comfort, but she didn't even realize he was there. All she felt was pain. Then, as quickly as it had started, the pain stopped. Lily shook on the ground.

Harry pulled her closer to where their wands had fallen.

"As fun as this had been." Voldemort said, "I believe it's time for the Potters to die! The sister first, then Harry!"

Harry grabbed their wands and jumped to his feet. Lily staggered up to stand by his side.

"You won't hurt her!" Harry yelled, "I won't let you!"

"What a shame you don't have a choice."

"Har-" Lily began to say, but she was cut off.

"Avada Kadavra!" Voldemort yelled, wand pointed at Lily at the same exact time as Harry jumped in front of her and yelled a spell of his own, "Expelliarmus!"

A bright light appeared, and ghostly figures began to emerge from the light, as Harry held the spell in balance. Lily's eyes widened as she saw Cedric emerge from the light.

"Please take my body back to my father." Cedric told them.

Harry opened his mouth to say something, possibly even to apologize but Cedric interrupted.

"It's alright. The others want to see you two as well." He said, before stepping back.

Then a figure of an elderly man emerged from the light. He looked at the Potter twins and gave a small nod of acknowledgment. Then a woman appeared. She had red hair and wore a sad smile.

"Mum." Lily breathed.

"Lil." The adult Lily said, "Harry."

Harry's eyes filled with tears as he struggled to keep the bond between the wands going.

"Your father's coming." Their mum said, "Hold on until then, we will cause a distraction and you can slip away."

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