Chapter Thirty One:

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The Potter siblings burst out laughing after being caught looking awfully suspicious by Ron. Even Ron smiled a bit at their behavior, before asking them if they'd like to talk a little walk with him.

"Sure." They agreed, and began to stroll down the hallway.

They didn't get too far before hearing guard voices.

"Karkaroff." Harry whispered, "and... Snape."

He snuck over to the door that the voices were coming from the other side of.

"-is coming back, I know you feel it too." Karkaroff was hissing.

"What I feel is annoyed that you can't seem to catch a hint." Snape shot back.

"So that's is then?" Karkaroff demanded, "We're just going to d-"

"Wait!" Snape hushed him.

Harry moved to run away from the door, and Ron pulled Lily into the shadows before Snape whipped the door open. Only Harry was still visible, not having the chance to hide yet.

"Ah, yes, Mister Potter." Snape frowned, "Lurking about the school hallways, meddling in what he shouldn't? How I wish I could say I was surprised."

"Sir, I-"

"Silence, Potter. Twenty points from Gryffindor, leave now before I take away more." Snape warned.

Harry opened his mouth to protest, but seemed to think better of it. He walked away and waited around the corridor until it was clear. Then, he walked back to the shadows where Ron and Lily were hiding.

"Snape's really got it out for you." Ron said sympathetically.

"Yeah... suspiciously, almost like he-" Harry began.

"Harry, Snape didn't put your name in the Goblet of Fire." Lily shook her head.

"But what if-"

"Mate, he even saved your life in first year." Ron agreed with her.

Harry begrudgingly agreed, but before they could step out of their hiding spot, voices approached them.

"Is that Hagrid?" Harry whispered, "With... Madam Maxine?!"

"Oh my gosh, I think they like each other!" Lily added in a hushed voice.

"We better go." Ron said.

Hagrid and Maxine stopped a little ways away from where the three stood.

"Not now." Harry whispered, "Let's just wait a minute for them to move on, I don't want them to think we've been following them or anything."

"And my dad, he was such a little fellow." Hagrid said, "I used ter be able to pick him up and put him on the dresser when I was little. And my mum, she was tall, that's where I get my height from... So who was it in your family? Your mum or dad?"

"What?" Maxine asked, appalled.

Harry, Ron and Lily suddenly felt extremely guilty about standing there in the dark. Lily tried to not pay attention to the conversation anymore, and instead busied herself with watching a beetle scurrying along the floor. She thought it was kind of odd to see the beetle, because for some reason bugs didn't really seem to roam the Hogwarts halls.

"It's okay, you can tell me. I'm one too." Hagrid tried to reassure Maxine.

"I do not know what you speak of!"

"A half giant-"

Maxine exclaimed her offense in French, before storming off angrily, Hagrid following her, urging her to stop. Ron looked over at the other two Gryffindors as they stepped back into the light.

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