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It's official, I'm in trouble. I can't believe he is going to be my boss. If he gives me the job of course. I'm not in a position where I'm able to reject the job anyway. You know what, I just have to keep it professional. I can do that... I hope.

It won't be that hard because he doesn't even seem to remember me. It's for the best though. What if he does remember me? What am I going to do then? Or what if he doesn't remember me now but later, he does? And then he is going to be angry because I didn't say anything. What if he thinks I'm a whore?

Yuna stop overreacting. It doesn't even matter we didn't do anything and I was under influence at the time. So technically it wasn't my fault. It's the fault of that pervert from the club. I was happy though when he got beat up.

If I was sober, I would have beat him up myself. Don't think because I'm a girl I can't fight. I can actually fight pretty well. Not that I ever have been in a big fight. Jennie and I used to have physical fights when we were younger, and I would always win. I know there is a difference between Jennie and that pervert ... still I could manage, I think.

"Miss Yuna, hello! ... Hello Miss Yuna! Is everything okay?" Namjoon said trying to get me back to reality. I totally forgot I was here at a job interview.

"Uhm yes sir. I'm sorry." I said hoping he doesn't send me home.

"Okay so, here it says that you majored in business. How come you haven't worked in any business-related jobs?" He asked with a serious look.

"I applied to various job applications, but they were always looking for someone with more experience. I have to admit that I have no experience in this field besides my studies." I answered his question in a professional way

"Here it says that you are fluent in Korean, English, Japanese, Mandarin and French That's surprising. Where did you learn Japanese, French and Mandarin?" He asked. He looked actually really interested.

"I love learning new languages. I took them as extracurricular activities at school. That's where I learned. I even tutored a Chinese boy math because Korean was too difficult to understand for him. So, I taught him in Mandarin." I said with a lot of confidence.

"And what about French then?" He asked curious.

"French is a language that I was interested in learning about since I was a little girl. I learned French all on my own. By watching a lot of French movies and shows. I then took a class at school and I was pretty successful. My French is very good. If I'm allowed to say so myself." I said practically overselling myself. Who cares anyway? I'm proud of my language skills. It's one of my biggest assets. He looks surprised. He probably thought I'm not capable of doing this job.

"Your language skills are something that really lacks in this company. And you had a lot of successful project and achievements in school. It looks like I could really use someone like you as my personal assistant." He said looking me deep in the eyes.

"Really?! Does that mean you're going to hire me?" I asked hopeful.

He chuckled and said "Not exactly, I still have to see how you work. I suggest we have a trial day. You can work here today and show me you're a hard worker. Show me that you're going to be useful as my personal assistant."

I nodded and said "Of course sir! That is a great idea. I will do my best. I won't disappoint."

He showed me a warm smile. I looked down because I got shy. I could feel his eyes examining my every movement. I sat back up straight and he was staring into my eyes. It was like he was staring right into my soul. I felt something tingle in me. I need to calm down it's probably the nerves and if this goes well, he will be my boss.

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘦 / 𝘒𝘪𝘮 𝘕𝘢𝘮𝘫𝘰𝘰𝘯 🔞 《ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇᴅ》Where stories live. Discover now