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Finally after the long break of Christmas me and Draco were on the train back to Hogwarts. I wasn't necessarily excited but I did have to admit that I had grown a real liking to the feeling of being a student there.

Walking back into the great hall felt very nostalgic due to the storing ceremony which happened a couple months back. There wasn't anything in particular about the Hall I could say I liked but the feeling overall was welcoming and almost made me feel at home, like I finally belonged somewhere.

After dinner me and Draco made our way back to the common room with Crabbe, Goyle and Pansy following us. I didn't mind Crabbe and Goyle they didn't talk much to us and they just listened and had lots of respect for both Draco and me which made me happy, Pansy on the other hand was a right pain. It wasn't the fact that she was mean or anything because she wouldn't dare insult me or even try to be funny around me. It was the pure fact I knew she liked Draco and that was enough for me to hate her, I wasn't claiming him nor did I even think of him in any other way but a friend but I knew that she could never be the type of person to date my best friend because I knew him. Despite all that Draco also seemed to dislike her, he didn't like her family, her haircut, her face, or her sucky personality which I was extremely glad for.

Getting back to my room was more relaxing then I wished for it to be, I unpacked my clothes with a quick spell my grandma taught me, almost as if she knew I would never actually do hard work myself, and quickly stuffed myself into my black velvety duvet falling into a very deep sleep but almost as if I was still awake.

In my dream there was Quirrel my DADA teacher, and he seemed to be standing upon a mirror, looking closer the mirror had a stone on it, a stone Quirrel could get a hold of in the mirror but not in real life. Then he swiftly turned around to where I was and looked in the eye, I squirmed and attempted to walk back when a voice spoke aloud.
"She's the one".

I woke up drenched in sweat a bit sacred from my dream or shall I say nightmare. I never really had dreams as rea as this so it was unfamiliar to me whether I was simply dreaming or wether it was trying to tell me something.
Quickly I ran to the bathroom and took a shower feeling disgusted with the fact I was al sweaty and gross.

Putting a new set of clothes on I could tell I wasn't going back to sleep so I decided to go explore the castle a bit more. I also decided to bring my "magical" diary with me and a quill and proceeded to run out of the common room quickly and up the stairs. I got to really see everything close now, on a day to day basis I didn't pay much attention to the amazing place we lived in but now walking around the halls late at night I could see everything much clearer, from the intricate carvings upon every wall to all the doors that I had never been in. I decided to go to Moaning Myrtles bathroom simply because I enjoyed her company, despite her constant state of depression she was actually a good acquaintance to have a often let me sit on her windowsill and read when I had breaks or when I wasn't hungry. This was the only place that no one knew about nit even Draco.

I quickly entered the bathroom and gathered my diary and attempted to write in it when I realised that the words were sinking into it and I couldn't read them anymore.
"Oh dear you've got a magical diary" Myrtle spoke and then hiccuped diving back into the toilet. "And how does it work Myrtle?" She looked at me and floated closer to me "well it captures your writing deep in it and then when you want to see you simply have to look closer." And now I was confused. I kept writing despite the fact I couldn't see anything, I let it all out from Draco to Christmas, to how I felt about being a witch, then Mr. Malfoy all back  to my sketchy grandma. Soon enough the sun was up. I grabbed the useless diary and walked quietly back to the common room.

There on the coach lay Draco who was looking around and scribbling something down, almost as if he didn't want to get caught with whatever he was doing, I quickly scrambled around to make sure he didn't see me and then jumped on him to which he screamed at me for. I started giggling and looked down where he was writing and he quickly covered it up so I couldn't see it. I kept trying to get the paper he was writing in until he made a pouting face and I gave up. "What is it?" Draco looked hesitant and simply shook his head, "don't worry it's just a letter to father it just happens something about him I know he wouldn't want anyone knowing," despite him being a good liar I could see through, whenever he lied he talked too proudly and raised his eyebrow cockily and acted like a pompous prick but I let him think I believed it and went back to my room.

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