The difference between my parents and "normal" kids parents? You'll see.

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Okay so I'm on a rush today because hOW THE HECK DID THIS GET 100 VIEWS IN LIKE, THREE DAYS??! I AM QUESTIONING MYSELF LIKE "Wow Lizzy your really that interesting?" LIKE COME ON! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!

Anywho. So I thought of this today during math and keep in mind this stuff has actually happened with me and my parents before. 

"Normal" kids parents be like:

Kid: *nervous to show parents report card so hides it from them* 

Kids sibling: Oh we got our report cards yesterday. 

Kid: *anger noises* 

Parent: Okay lets see them! 

Kid: *nervously shows them report card* 

Parent: Hmm.... Oh boy. Young man?? It says here that your teachers say that your on your phone during class!! Your in big trouble!

Meanwhile my parents be like: 

Me: *nervous to show report card so I hide it* 

My brother: Oh by the way we got our report cards yesterday

Me: *mentally makes a note to kill him later* (NOT REALLY THO! I LOAF MY BRO BRO!) 

Parent: Lets see!

Me: *shows them report card without hesitating but dieing inside* 

Parent: .... *starts laughing* 

Me: *thinks* well at least their not mad

Parent: *while laughing* your math teacher told you that you should stop reading during class! I never thought I'd have to get mad at my child for reading during class! Oh gosh! This is so funny! Can I post it on Instagram? 

Me: *visible confusion* 

Okay I'm not even joking this actually happened. My math teacher wrote that I need to put the books away during class and my mom thought it was the funniest gosh darn thing on the planet. On the bright side, I didn't get in trouble! Comment if you've ever got in trouble for reading in class or still read in class.

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