Aight before I update Shattered Glass, I wanna write this chapter

17 1 6

yee so I was listening to the sort of bottom of my playlist (you know the one. The place where it has a lot of songs you used to listen to on repeat and then stopped but when you re listen to it its epic) and I realized I had a lot of songs that describe the Dilly ship I made up. So ima put them on here. Also, you may or may not cry cause I almost did when I realized how well these songs fit. Or just like, Dipper in general. Or Lilly. I'll specify.

1) Dipper

2) Lilly

3) Also Lilly

4) Dilly (this is Nightcore) 

5) Dilly 

6) Lilly

7) Dilly (oh HO this one is SAD. But its the one that matches them the most) 

8) Also Dilly. This is Nightcore and its fast compared to the original. But I like it. 

Aight that should be it. Enjoy your (probably) now depressing evening/night/day XD

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