I swear my dad is the source of my family's entertainment

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Story time. 

A few years ago, (i don't know how many years ago.) we went to go to my dads old elementary school cause.. my family does that. And my dad was telling me stories about how when he was a kid, during the summer, they would roll down the hill we were sitting on (at the top of course. Now, this hill is VERY big and VERY steep) and then in the winter, they would go sledding. 

Now, I can't remember much of the conversation we had but all I can remember was my dad saying "You know what, ima do it." "Do What?" "Roll down the hill." and instead of being the nice family and saying "Uh you probably shouldn't do that cause your older then you were then.." we went. "Okay! I wanna see where this goes." 

Well my dad forgot the way you were supposed to roll and rolled with his arms tucked in instead of his arms outward. 

Long story short my dad ended up breaking a few ribs. 

That was fun.

On the bright side, we have a video of him rolling down a hill. 

The Book To Read When Your BoredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora