How to make your story semi-sucessful

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Okay before I go on to how to make your Wattpad storys amazhang (in my opinion) listen to this now. You won't regret it. I'm in one of those stages where like, your so tired that like anything really pretty or deep will make you feel like you wanna cry. And this triggered that feeling. The songs are clean by the way. Please don't take any offense to this. It's just my opinion.

Okay lets move on now. 

Tip #1: Space your writing. I know it's kind of hard to remember especially when your in the zone, but I promise its so much better to read a story that is spaced into separate paragraphs. Allow me to explain, when its just one big paragraph, its harder to comment because (for some weird reason) when someone wants to comment and highlight a specific part on their phone, you can only comment once on the whole thing. So if you highlight one part and comment, then comment on a separate part, since its the same paragraph, it feels like you can only comment once on the whole story. So your probably gonna get more comments if you space it out. Plus it makes it sooo much easier to read and feels less rushed. 

Tip #2: Try to hold back on spilling the tea and telling the readers the major parts of the book at the beginning. Now, I will admit I have been guilty of this before. I've been trying not to do it as much but my brain just gets excited and wants to spill the tea on everyone in like, the third or fifth chapter. But if you tell your brain "No! This tea should not be spilt until the second to last chapter! Bad brain!" Then that will help. 

Tip #3: Update. Often. Lets all admit it. We've all been guilty of this before so it's not really something that we don't know we need to work on. We all have writers block and just those times when you have free time but you just don't wanna do it cause your lazy (one of the reasons I haven't come out with a new YouTube video yet. Sorry.) or you just have no motivation for it anymore. But I find if you update as often as you can, your gonna get more views. Allow me to explain *puts on lab coat, glasses, and gets a pointing stick to point at a chalkboard* You see, the views that it says your story has is the total amount of views, so say like, ten people are reading your story. And they read current updates. Say that you update every day and by the end of the week, you already have 70 views. You update more often and by the next week you have 140 views. Oh gods I hope that makes sense. 

Tip #4: Try to be funny. Make jokes and put funny videos, memes, or content in general on your story. Heck the only reason I have 1.7K reads on this is cause I'm entertaining (I think thats why. Idk the real reason XD) 

Anyway, thats all I have. Put you suggestions in the comments and have a wonderful say ma- 

You four dimensional meat bags will soon be under my control! Remember, enjoy the calm before the storm... 

gAh! Sorry. Bill does that sometimes. My friends say that I should get it checked out.... meh. Its not a big deal. BAI FRIES!

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