Trauma stuffs that I probably should have done sooner...

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Okay so I don't know how many of you guys read Trauma (most of the people reading this most likely) but i'm too lazy to put this in actual Trauma. Sooo anyway

First of all, if ya'll were confuzled about this, the reason why Dipper was all bloody and gross toward the end is cause I thought that if Bill was leaving Dipper's body, then Bill would most likely be all "No. I'm not leaving." and it was hard to get him out. Therefore, it did a number on Dipper's soul. Like I said before, the body Dipper was in when he went to sleep represented his soul. I have this self headcannon that after this whole thing, Dipper suffers from what Bill did to his soul. I don't know what he did, but it screwed up Dippers soul pretty bad. I feel like it would make him bipolar or something. Or maybe even leaving Dipper schizophrenic. 

Second of all, @Caryisboss wrote an alternate ending that I think is awesome. You should go follow her! Here it is. (its not letting meh copy and paste so I guess i'm writing this. Sorry if I get anything wrong Gwen! I'm gonna fix some grammar stuff. No offense or anything just writer stuffs XD)

Dipper's POV

I woke up today and realized it was a Tuesday. Every Tuesday means I get to help Grunkle Ford downstairs in his lab. I quickly changed, brushed my teeth, grabbed an apple from the kitchen and headed toward the vending machine that led to the attic.

"Morning Grunkle For-" I stopped in my tracks. I felt the apple fall out of my hand. I stared at what was in front of me. Right. At. Her. It was Lilly. She was-was physically standing right in front of me! "Grunkle F-Ford, I-I thought Lilly-" "Disintegrated?" he asked. "W-Well.. yeah." 

"Well, it turns out, I found a way to bring.. well..bring Lilly back to life." I stood there. Jaw wide open. "Nice to see you Dipper." Lilly said with sass, then started laughing. "S-So she's like- actually alive?" "Yup. She'll be staying with me and Stanley. I heard her parents were abu-" Lilly instantly shot him a look. "They were abumazing!" He finished. 

I don't know about you guys, but I thought that was pretty cute. After reading that, my brain was all "But what if we made it sadder???" and I thought "What if Lilly was originally with Bill all along and instead of Dipper walking in to see Lilly, he walks in to see Ford dead on the ground with Lilly by him with a knife?" 

Lets just say my author brain is both a blessing and a curse. 

Third thing, I would feel like even if Lilly did come back, I feel like her and Pacifica would be friends. Their very similar and together, they complete a part of Mabels friend group! 

Who else agrees that the last few chapters were epic? I mean like, that is some dark schist right there. My mom even looked at me with a concerned look when she saw one of the chapter names was The Exorcism. Cause my mom always reads my books. Always. She's always there.. sitting in the back of the room.. silently reading XD. Hi mother.

I don't think I have any other plot holes to go over. But if you have questions that you want answered, go ahead and ask cause I most likely forgot to answer thoes XD

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