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Guys Procrastination is my best friend. Heaven save my soul. 

I wanna write my books but then again.... I could update in this book about writing in ma books. I have two ongoing books right now and honestly, I update more in this then any of my other books. I'm listening to Flesh and Bone right now on repeat. What? Its catchy! 

Anyway, if your a Top fan (I'm typeing on the computer right now so I cant do the thing with the o.) like my brother, if anyone insults them, just say "Even blurryface doesn't care what you think." I found that on Pinterest XD

So ima bout half way throgh the seventh book of OHSHC and I already have a Pinterest bord on it. 

what am I doing with my life. 

Yesterday I saw Frozen 2 for the first time!

I cried. 

A lot. 

Now, if you know me, you'll know that like, it takes a lot. a LOT to get me to cry. The only movie thats ever made me cry like a water fountain was this one movie i watched for mutual one night when I was still in the first group. I was literally crying. But Frozen 2 was too much for my heart to handle. I was literally crying okay guys. 

But Olaf was fricken halarious. 

Until... Ya know... 

*starts crying* 

I'm trying not to say spoilers guys. 

OH! One more thing!

So meh and my mom are reading HOO right now and are on the Second Book right now. One time during the summer, my mom was trying to convince my sister something I forgot was it was and my mom was making promises and stuff and I was just chilling in the back of the car when I hear my mom say "Katie! I swear on the river styx!" (Katie is my sister's fake name) and I was all "YAAASSSS!!! IVE TAUGHT YOU WELL!!" And then she fist bumped me. 

I love my mom ^^

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