If you know what these quotes are from, you are my hero.

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Okay so the title was just a metaphor. This ain't some competition on who is my hero or not. So don't make it one. 

So this is a Disney XD show that I used to watch all the time. But then, (I think) the series ended. It never seemed like it officially ended only after two seasons. Cause it wasn't like Gravity Falls where you know its gone for good. It was more like, a normal ending for a show. Besides, there was a lot more they could have done with it. I really hope that they continue it. Then again, the last time a new episode came out was like, last year around May-ish? I don't know. I just really hope that there will be a third season because Darn it I forgot how much I loved this show. 

Anyway, yeah so I started re-watching it with my siblings (cause they like it too) and I forgot how hilarious this show is. I'll give ya'll hints at the end. I'm just trying to see if anyone here also loves it as much as I do. I don't think its that popular but lets see what the wild Wattpadians say about that. By the way some of these quote's might not be as accurate so sorry if I screw it up. XD

Quote #1: 

"Were all gonna die!!!!" "Only eventually." 

Quote #2: 

"How can you be so calm??? Were riding a river while being chased by a dinosaur!" "And isn't it a great day for it?" 

Quote #3:

"I blame you." "How could you blame me?! I was standing right here the whole time!" "It's just that attitude!" 

Quote #4: 

(this one is for my sister.) 

*in a deep voice* "Moist." *echos* (don't ask me why but my sister thinks thats the gosh darn most hilarious thing in the whole show XD)

Quote #5: 

(This one should be pretty easy to guess)

"Hey that sounds like some sort of sitcom!" *in a tv guy voice* "Four Guys And A Platypus was filmed in front of a live studio audience." 

Quote #6: 

"Look kid its not like we tied up the guy who usually does this and put him in the back." *flash to a guy tied up with a cloth tied around his mouth sitting in the backstage*

Quote #7: 

"With that neck?" "What did you say about my neck?!" "Uh.. Nothing! Your neck is fine!"

Quote #8: 

"Me and -insert name here cause I ain't given away nothing- have been having a grand time here playing go fish with hot sauce packets!" *turns to said character* "So... ya got any hot sauce packets?" *the other guy looks down and gives him his one hot sauce packet.* "You know I'd deal you guys in but we only have one hot sauce packet."

Quote #9: 

"So your saying.... Your not the pizza delivery guy..?" *from trapped inside a net* "No. We are not the pizza delivery guy." "Oh sorry. That was my pizza delivery guy trap." 

Quote #10: 

"Take a deep, calm breath." *in a whisper shout* "Don't you yoga me!" 

Quote #11: 

"Where's -insert character name here-?" "She said she had to study." *flash to character relaxing in a pool.*

Quote #12: 

"High five!" *other character accidentally slaps his face* "Oops. Sorry. Let me try it with my other han-" "No its okay."


-The main character.. lets just say... he has very bad luck. And thats why I like the show

-It's basically a continuation of Phineas and Ferb but with different characters. Yes there is a crossover episode.

-There are time travelers in it. 

-There is a dog

-One word. Pistachios.

Guess what you think it is in the comments! I'm exited to see what you put. I hope this isn't too hard for ya'll. 

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee (GET THE SALLLLLTTTTTTTT!!!!)

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