Wow. I'm really stupid.

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So my parents set up a time that we need to wake up and get our school stuff done. That time is 8:30 in the morning. So my dad is a really jokey and funny guy. He said that if we didn't wake up when our alarm clock went of, he would squirt us with a squirt bottle. And he's completely serious. No before you get any questions, this isn't abuse. Its just my dad being the born idiot he is. (yes I just dissed dad @SquidwardClarinetBro. Your welcome sister.) 

So I'm sleeping down in Katie's room (What? My sisters room is very nice to sleep in cause its downstairs and its cooler down there. Plus its darker.) and she turned off her alarm when it went off (cause if there's anything my sister's known for, its sleeping in till noon. A sentence she actually said to me was "I woke up at ten a.m for you!") and I didn't give a crap cause I couldn't sleep that well that night and I was super tired. Well at nine, my dad comes in right in the middle of a dream. 

Naturally, he says "Oh ho ho! Looks like I get to use the squirt bottle this morning!" In a funny way. And, wanting to not get sprayed with a squirt bottle, I sat up drowsily saying "I'm up! I'm up!" "Too late!" And I get up while my dad is spraying me with a squirt bottle. It wasn't that bad tho. I didn't even realize he was spraying me. 

Now, keep in mind, I am really really tired. My eyes weren't open and I was kind of depending on my dad for him to lead because he was standing in the doorway and it was hard to get past. And guess what happens? I run into the wall and my sisters dresser. I knocked the huge fake clock off of my sister's dresser. No joke I feel to the ground like a fainting goat or like, a video game character with bad internet. 

Anyway, My dad thinks I just fell to the ground and was teasing me with the "I'm melting." phrase from Wizard Of Oz. But then I start saying "Owwwww... That hurrrrttt!" I will admit, I was really loopy. Then my dad went "Oh geez. Are you okay?? What happened?" "I ran into the wall." 

Oh Gods I'm laughing while writing this XD. 

Anyway, my sister who was in the shower and didn't witness the whole thing, asked "What happened?" "Lizzy ran into the wall." And now whenever I mention this to my sister, she bursts out laughing.  

No joke tho. I bumped my head on the wall so hard, I had a red mark on my head for a few hours after that XD. 

yeah so whenever you are feeling sad, just remember Lizzy in her Mabel sweater pajamas (even though I wasn't wearing my Mabel sweater to bed that night) half asleep crashing into a wall and knocking over my sister's oversized (for display. It actually doesn't work) clock. 

That was fun. 


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