Wow. I had no idea I was this interesting.

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1.12K VEIWS?? 


I honestly thought I wasn't that interesting to listen to. I guess I am! ^^ 

Anyway, I'm gonna answer some of the questions from the Q and A that I did. I keep on forgetting to do that. 

This question(s) was asked by @Francytj_97

Q: Are you more of a Marvel or Dc fan?

Or Iron man or Captain America?

Flash or Arrow?Pb&j sandwich or Mac &cheese?Unicorns or aliens?Phone or tablet?Glitter or confetti?

(why yes I did copy and paste) 

A: MARVEL FOR LIFFFFEEEE!!! All though I really did like the Aquaman and Wonder Women movies. 

Hmmmeeeeehhhh Captain America. I like his Backstory. 

Flash. But just because I don't know anything about Arrow and my sister used to be obsessed with the Flash Netflix series. She stopped watching after it got inappropriate. But I thought the series was pretty legit. 

Mac and Cheese hands down. Its something about Pb&j that distcusts me. Or it could be the fact that Peanut Butter is only good when eaten plain or put on Apples and Bananas. Reeces? No. Those are too sweet. They give me headaches. (no offence to any  Peanut Butter fans out there) plus, my family knows a really good recipe for homemade Mac &cheese. 

UNICORNS!!! Except for Celesteabelleabethabelle. She sucks. 

I prefer to use my Phone over my Tablet cause I can crop screenshots. But I don't really care. 

Neither. Too messy. I may have a Mabel like personality but Glitter does not look good on me. Its all fun and games until your forced to clean it up. I mean, Glitter can be cute if its like, a little touch. Like in makeup or something. But if its like, a dress that is covered in sparkles, that results in a blind Lizzy. Also the stuff gets everywhere and theirs no way to contain it once you let it loose. I was putting Glitter on a Student Government poster (cause I was running. I didn't get picked tho. Apparently I wasn't popular enough. Second time thats happened.) and I swear I didn't spill it or anything. I was very careful but guess who had to sweep it up at the end of the day cause it got everywhere? *Dipper voice* this guy. *points to self* Well technically girl but whatever. Now my point on confetti. Have you seen what happens at New Years every year??? I feel bad for those poor people who have to clean it up.

 Also, can I ask a logical question concerning our favorite bird kid flock?? 

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