Just in case you were wondering, this is what would happen

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What would happen if (when) I become famous and an interviewer interviews me. 

Interviewer: So I heard as a teenager you got most of your inspiration from cartoons and... Anime. So tell me, I hear that some anime characters can be really dense. Who is the densest character in any anime you've watched. (which of right now is only one. *all around me are familiar faces*) 

Me: Tamaki. 

Interviewer: And exactly how dense is he? 

Me: *shakes him* THE EARTH TIMES FRIGGIN TWENTY!!!!! (this is an actual conservation I had with Viper. No joke XD.)

So uh.. one time when me and Viper were rubbing one of thoes pencils that changes color? You know, thoes ones? And she was all like, "OMG WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF TAMAKI GOT AHOLD OF THESE??" and then we both started screaming. So sometime in this book ima so a one shot of that happening. I have to go right now. 


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