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So um.. I know I said I was going to take a break from Wattpad for a bit, but I just wanted to dedicate a chapter talking about Social Anxiety.

Now, this chapter isn't going to get too feelsy. I just want you guys to know  that even though I'm funny, and very  social on here, I kind of have very serious Social Anxiety.

Some people don't believe I have it and I havnt got diagnosed with it, but I think I have it. It's actually very extreme. I mean, it's gotten to the point where I have a mental breakdown just building up the courage to ask a friend's mom where the bathroom is. Or even asking for a snack if I'm hungry. That even goes with asking friends too.

I even have to ask myself what I'm terrified about sometimes because it will be over stupid stuff. Even on Wattpad sometimes I have it.

I'm even terrified of asking teachers for a pencil when I forget to bring mine.

Now, I think this came from my time in Elementary School. I only had like, one good teacher who my family is still friends with them to this day. I always had a bad expirence with every teacher.

One time in fifth grade I went up to  the teacher to ask them how to spell a word. They replied with an annoyed sigh and looked it up. Then continued to look at me like I was an idiot.

Another thing was with the people who would look after the kids during recess. They were really rude actually. They would talk with each other and ignore you until you were done with your conversation. But one time, this kid almost stole my lunchbox. I got it back but I forgot to tell the recess people about it. So I did it the next day. This happened when I was in like, third grade? I can't remember. This was our conversation.

"Someone almost stole my lunchbox."
"When did this happen?"
"Well I can't do anything about it now. Go play."

In conclusion, no one realizes what they did to you and what habbits they put in you as a kid. You only realize it until you're older.

Bye bagels.

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