*bored in class* *draws* *lightbulb* OMGNEWSTORYIDEA!!

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So yeah. 

This is a new story idea that I came up with. 

I'm probably not gonna write it though so if you wanna see it, you can totally write it. 

So this is based off of a drawing I started on a peice of paper that was turned into my History teacher. It used that song from a couple chapters back. ya know. the one called Ghosts. So ya. 

Heres the story idea. The title would be called A Deal With The Devil. (this is a little twisted by the way) 

So its about this girl right? She's a cat hybrid or whatever the anime term for them is. She's a famous model and kind of self absorbed but super pretty and the most popular girl at school. One night, her and her friends go to some sort of abandoned place. idk if its a house or not. Anyway, her friends are picked off one by one by this mysterious force. She's forced to watch all of them die in front of her. And if she's not with them, she hears their scream echo in her head. Now, when all of her friends die, she starts hearing a voice in her head. "Come here my little kitty..." and she is more terrified by the second. She can't get out of there because the door is locked. The windows are barred and any chance of getting out of there alive is useless. Now, the whole mastermind behind this is Lucifer. He's been trapped in the structure for years and how he survives is by taking the souls of others. Which (how I envision it) the souls of others is apart of their body. So his non human structure is a black silhouette with body parts sticking out of him. Allow me to explain. There would be an arm that is still alive and is crawling desperately trying to get out. A bloodshot eye on his leg. A beating heart where his should be. And then a smiling mouth where his should also be. His life force is a red glow that formes his eyes. His human form is a teenage guy wearing a black suit, black hair, red eyes, pale skin, and a briefcase where he puts the souls that he collects. 

Now, how this connects to the girl is Lucifer was assigned to kill her and her friends. But he hesitates because he fell in love with the girl. The kitty thing that he says is him attempting to be flirtatious. He spends nights just staring at her. Driving herself insane. Her waiting for the sweet release of death. She used to run when he approached her. But now hes the one that runs. Then the tiny bit of sanity that was left in her body disintegrates. And Lucifer is more attracted to her then before. (don't worry. here comes the fluff) One night, he creates a bunch of blood red flowers (that were made out of the blood of some poor kids) and decides to step up and help the poor girl. He turns to his human form, and walkes toward her. I'm picturing some fluff right about her. In the end, the girl kills herself so that she can marry him and he makes her his queen and they rule Hell together. Lucifer loves his queen because it's her insanity that makes her his. And only his. Then maybe she would see her old friends in Heaven/Hell depending on how good they were in life and her sanity would come back. 

Kind of like a better Romeo and Juliet. 

Except darker. 

So what do you guys think? 

You can use this as a writing prompt if you wanna write a little tid bit from it. On the next chapter I'll show you the drawing that inspired it. Also, the lyrics to that Ghosts song is this 

"Do you remember the day in October. The leaves were falling just like me when it was over. One more day of sorrow and I'll struggle to stay sober. Hope to see ya later when I get older. I still remember the smell of your perfume. It hasn't left me since the day you made me blue. I think I saw you but I know I'm not supposed to. I must be dreaming cause I dont believe in ghosts!" 

And thats literally all the lyrics. 

I probably wont write this on here but you guys can if you wanna see it written!


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