I become Death itself

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Story time!

So, me and Rebecca have a friend that comes down to where we are for the summer. This summer, she was able to come. One of the things we like to do together is cosplay. We also love to swim in the pool in the backyard (no it's not my backyard I'm just not specifying because of S E C U R I T Y)

So today, we were cosplaying (her as Dipper, me as Will, and Rebecca as Bill) and as you probably know, Bill and Wills makeup takes kind of a while to do and is very... Thick.

After we were done, we went over to the person's house with the pool to swim in. Now, I ran out of makeup remover wipes the last time we cosplayed so our options were limited to toilet paper and water.

Well, me being the person I am, I decided not to take off my makeup. I did take off some of it. But I took off what I thought was enough.

Let me do the math for you.


I came home. Looked in the mirror. And I looked like death itself. No joke, there were dark lines under my eyes where I had put the eyeliner and the bricks on the side of my face were smudged and made my face look scary!

Long story short, with my wet messy hair, smeared black makeup, and me being tired in general from swimming, I literally looked like death/hell.

Bonus: came out of the shower aND I STILL LOOK LIKE FRIGGIN DEATH!!

Also since my hair was so long and tangley, it took about twenty minutes just to comb it before I got into the shower.

So now I look like I havnt gotten any sleep for two months.

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