Lizzy's version of a Movie Review

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Okay so ya last night my dad was binging The Hobbit. Cause my dad's a nerd when it comes to that series, and Star Wars. So my mom was getting ready for bed and she told us (me and my brother. Katie was already down there watching it with my dad) that we could go downstairs and watch it with ma father so we did cause I wasn't tired even though it was like, nine at night. 

Okay so it happened to be the third movie (the last one) and I remember when I used to be terrified of these movies cause... their scary. Duh. But nowadays, it doesn't terrify me as much cause I know its fake. Well, we happened to come down in the middle of the final battle. Now, I don't know if you guys know this but the third movie is rated R. 




Okay it isn't rated R cause its inappropriate. My family wouldn't watch it if that was the reason. Its rated R cause its incredibly violent. If your like me and can't stand seeing things beheaded, don't watch this movie. Most of it was me hiding under my blanket. I mean, I can stand a stab wound, but the one thing I cannot stand is beheadings. I fricken hate them. But the battle was epic and my dad was fangirling most of the time. He kept saying stuff like, "Oh this dude is epic. I like him. He's gonna kick their butts!" And I wanted to say something when a character was dieing but my dad was all "SHHHH!!" which is understandable but I think its funny XD. 

Anyway, it was funny. No joke, we were actually laughing. But not at the end. I won't explain the battle in detail but there was a lot of blood, beheadings, and stabbing. 

That was my very first rated R movie experience. It reminded me so much of Magnus Chase cause of all of the elves and dwarves. I told my dad that he could borrow the books from me and his response was "If you read The Hobbit, i'll read Magnus Chase." and i'm actually considering it. 

On a different note, when you read books like Percy Jackson or Maximum Ride, you wish you could be in that book, and you wouldn't mind all of the fighting. Well, thats how it is for me anyway. But when I was watching that last night, I thought "Oh my Gods. This is probably what the battle of Manhattan looked like in Percy Jackson. Minus all of the old timey stuff." and it changes your mind immediately. 



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