I almost mentally kill myself. And my cousin.

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It all started on the fateful morning of Tuesday June 30....

I was chilling around with my cousins watching Avatar The Last Airbender. The cartoon. When my cousin, Cheesy_Tornado (aka, S for now) walked into the room. "Hey Lizzy!" She said. "Want to go to this soda place we have up here?" "Sure!" I replied.

We got ready and headed out the door, S had told me that the walk is kind of long. But we managed.

It twas blistering hot. But the thought of Soda mixes remained in our heads that we would soon receive!

(Okay I'ma stahp typing like that XD)

When we got to the soda place, we were almost dead. The walk has tooken twenty minutes! Our legs hurt, it was hot, I was sweating really bad under my hat, you get the point.

We walked up to the front of the soda shop, and stopped dead in our tracks. The sign on the front of the door read:

"Dine in closed. Drive through open."

By now, you can probably guess our problem. We had no car, we cirtainly weren't a car, and we were hungry. S only had her gift card for that specific place. I was really the only one there with money. And there wasn't really much other places to go around us besides a drug store, and a waffle place.

So, we had two options.

A: walk home with no soda at all and waste a twenty minute walk.
B: walk up to the drive through and order there.

Seeing as we were hungry and hadn't had lunch, and the fact we both walked here to get soda and that we didn't want to go back without it, I bravely stood up and....

Sent S to go up to the drive though to talk to the person while I hid behind the corner.

No need to thank me.

Now, both me and S are socially awkward, but she's more socially active then me so that's why I volunteered her as tribute.

She stood there for a few seconds, not knowing what to do. There were no cars in line. Just us. I whispered shouted over to her, "knock on the window!" She did exactly that.

A teenage girl opened the window and S said "Hey we didn't know that your dine in was closed and we walked over here. Can we order here?" (I came out during that cause I figured S got it under control.) Fortunately, the girl was really nice and let us order there. But there was one more problem...

I had never been to this place before. I didn't know what they had there that was good. And there was a line (about two cars but it was still terrifying.) Of cars right. Behind. Us.

I basically just scanned what they had on the Dr. Pepper list. The people behind us looked pissed tho. It was still terrifying.

So yes! That is how me and S socially embarrassed ourselves! But we got soda and that's what we came for! Yayyyyyy..


Thats it ma bagels! Shout out to my amaZHANG cousin S! Aka, Cheesy_Tornado you should give her a follow! She has a good book about High School. So . Yeah.


The Book To Read When Your BoredOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora