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Mkay so there were only two people to ask questions but if you want to ask questions, go ahead! Now lets get started. 

Lizzy: Hello everyone! The first few questions are asked by @Smymer_Girl ! We'll ask one question at a time and I'll let everyone know when the user who asked changes! Lets get to it! 

Lizzy: This one goes to you Lilly. "What was it like to die multiple times?" 

Lilly: *shifts uncomfortably in her seat* well, its not a topic I like to talk about. I mean, I am just a ghost right now. But for the sake of the user, I'll answer it. It's kind of weird. One moment your soul is heading toward the sky when the next, you feel this pulling. Your soul is drawn to a certain place even though you dont wanna go. And guess what happened? Your actually halfway dead and being held captive by an illuminacho! Like I said. Kind of weird. 

Lizzy: Oof. That must have sucked. The next one is for you Clara. 

Clara: Just to let all of you know, I don't want to be here. 

Lizzy: *glares* listen here Missy! I am technically your mother so you answer the questions or you go to the time our corner! I CREATED YOU!! 

Clara: *rolls eyes* finneneeeee! Whats the question. 

Lizzy: Much better. The question is, "Clara, why are you such a jerky jerk trashcan? Abuse? Neglect? Mental Illness? Not being accepted by your family? WHAT IS IT??? Or are you just a born jerk?" 

Clara: First of all sMyMer, I am not a trashcan I am fabulous, second of all, kind of offended, and third of all, I'm a jerk?? Excuse me but Daddy taught me that the world is poisoned with weirdos and nerds. I was just simply taught to do the right thing and do everything I can to get the not normal people off the earth. Why would you think I have family problems? My family loves me! 

Lizzy: I would thank you for that "wonderful" response but then again, your a jerk and also, kind of offended cause you basically just insulted your creator. Next question is for both of you. "Lilly, favorite book? Movie? Tv series? How about Clara, what are yours?" 

Lilly: Well, I didn't get a lot of chances to go to the library because of my parents rule "Perfect girls don't read. They just stand and show off their looks." Of course since i'm dead, I don't go by that rule anymore. I like to read! My favorite book series is probably the Divergent series. I know. Kind of weird for a girl like me. But I love dystopian and its really interesting! I also really enjoy reading Manga!

Clara: *scoffs* gee Lilly way to make it all about yourself being dead and all. 

Lizzy: Look whos talking. Besides, weren't you part of the reason she died? 

Clara: Touce. 

Lilly: My favorite Tv series is probably the Netflix version of A Series Of Unfortunate Events. It makes me feel better that my life wasn't as terrible and sad as those children. If they were real, I would give all three of them a hug and even if I have a high possibility of getting murdered, I would protect them. Movie? Hmmmm thats a hard one. I don't really have a favorite movie. 

Clara: Okay shut up Ms. Perfect its my turn now. I don't really read cause thats what nerds do. But my favorite Tv Show is definitely Say Yes To The Dress. It gives good fashion advice. Favorite movie is anything thats not animated (because its stupid and for children) and has a lots and LOTS of drama.

Lizzy: .... Okay i'm going to pretend that one of my children didn't just offend the world of animation. Next question is for Lilly. "Lilly, did you ever feel jealous or something of your clone or did you think of her as you?" 

Lilly: Well, kind of a little bit of both actually. I knew our minds were connected and I knew we were the same person... I just wished I could have given Mabel a hug or actually hold Dippers hand. And a little bit of jealousy may have been there. But in the end, I knew this was the way it had to be. 

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