Every. Step. Is. Pain.

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Okay so a while ago I hurt my foot. So I had it in a brace. Then I hurt my other foot (my left one) and I broke it (just a tiny fracture) so I had that one in a boot.

I didn't have any injuries on my foot since then.

Until now.

I rolled my ankle twice while playing human sized foosball (I got hit in the face with a yoga ball and my glasses fell of and hurt me but that's another story) and then rolled it again yesterday in Ceramics. My right ankle has been hurting like hell since then and every. Step. Is. Fricken. Pain. I can't even turn it. Or bend it. Without pain. I'm wearing my brace today so idk what the frick is wrong with it. Yay.

Bye. Here's a face reveal.


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I'm on the bottom.

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