Chapter 21

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FLORENCE JENSEN WAS IN A DISTRESS STATE, she was in discussion with Laura's doctor, Emma Rickman. It has now been six months since her niece was admitted as a coma patient. Outside the clear, office glass window was a slouching Roberta, feet on the waiting room couch — mindlessly flipping the health magazine pages.

Roberta had changed her appearances some weeks ago — her ponytail had been chopped to a short crew cut — she wore a black motorcycle jacket like Roxy, with a stud piercing below her lower lip. She was listening to some classic heavy, death-metal music of the 90s on her iPod.

She then stood up — vexed by sitting around too long, and she ditched the health magazine impatiently on the side table — she exited from the waiting room...

She craved for a smoke — but it was a long walk to the parking lot of the hospital.

She got into an elevator instead, suppressed a floor button hard with her jabbing thumb — while with her other hand, she was toying with a metal lighter — doing lighting trick-moves that Roxy taught her to do with a Zippo.

Roberta stepped out while a Latina nurse entered into the elevator...

She wished it was another Mexican janitor so that she could beat the life out of him...

Roberta then passed the Nurse's desk in the hallway, and Nurse Eker looked up with a slight surprise — at Roberta's extremely pleasant voice...

"Hi, good evening, Nurse Eker — I am going in to see Laura. My aunt will be coming up shortly, is that okay?"

The old nurse nodded — the ten-year-old thanked her and left.

The woman feared what that little murderous monster was capable of — she still could not forget that night, many months ago, when she found the dead janitor in wardroom B-415 — with the entire wardroom wall painted red with his own blood.


It pained Roberta each time in her visits when she opened the wardroom door — to the very sight of Laura's selfsame comatose state. But these days, it raged her to see that her sister's stomach had grown bigger — with the child of the rapist in it...

Roberta managed to stay composed, and somehow she felt that she should not bring her furore into the room — it was negative energy — and she felt that the incognizant Laura could sense it too — Laura usually got a fever the following day.

Roberta also believed that her elder sister was telepathically looking after her in her own enigmatic ways, from the other side — as it was also her mother Martha's death-wish — that Laura should take care of her younger sister...

Roberta closed the door and locked it...

She walked straight to kiss her Laura's forehead. She sat beside her and fiddled with the 'Mimi' pendant that was worn on her sister, and she went on with her exuberant fake tone of voice — relating stories that she felt would cheer Laura up...

"Hi, sorry I did not come to see you for a week — I got kinda busy in school — and also was hanging out more with the guys. Oh yes, they are super-cool dudes, Laura — you will love them because they are about your age."

But, actually the excruciating sight of Laura's pregnancy that had made Roberta's visits to be less frequent these days — she rather de-stress herself by ignoring Laura's condition — by hanging out with 'the guys' after school or sometimes playing hooky...

'Her boys' had made her part of their motorcycle gang...

They had taken her to places where minors were barred — like to Duke Mercury — the underground dyke-bikers club, with live bands that played great flaming, heavy trash-metal music — it was certainly not the watered down, pop-rock music that she used to watch on reality TV shows back in Wellsville.

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