Chapter 2

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"YOU SURE IT IS SAFE MADELINE? Do we really need to go to LA!!?" the vice president faltered.

Vice president Mary Freeman was video-conferencing with Madeline Cory — from her ranch in Kansas. Both Lucinda Gates and Agent Wolfe were present with Cory, at the Oval Office...

This made Cory sigh...

"Yes Mary, we have to move on."

Her Vice President was finding excuses on the eve of the fundraiser. "That is simple to say — you really don't know how traumatizing it has been for me since the New Orleans attack — because you were not there!

"The gunshots, the explosions over there — it was a total war-zone — and I nearly died that day!"

Mary's voice was high in pitch with trepidation. The looks on Mary Freeman showed that she was still not convinced of the abysmal safety issues, with nothing ameliorable done since the last encounter.

"Yes-yes, for the hundredth time, I am telling you once again — that it will be safe in LA this time. Furthermore, let me specifically remind you that — I was not in New Orleans on that day the last time, because I was at Ann Rosewood's funeral, do remember that, Mary? So, this time around, we have been tripling the security in LA — and there is no Intel from Homeland to date about any future attack by those insurgents. These are my reasons — that it will be safe for us all, at the Fundraiser in LA."

"You should have left alone him back in Mexico, Madeline — but you had to stir the mess pot up, didn't you? — and now the Preacher has made a damn Hollywood action-hero fiasco, with his helicopter ride-back stunt — back into our American soil again, and he escaped — with everyone around the world was cheering his grand entrance back, and — they were all rooting too for him!

"If he is still alive — we are losing our own civil war against local radical terrorism — So what are you going to do about it?" Freeman reproached...

Cory now felt more of that opprobrium with the misgiving VP, who was still blaming her — despite of her indemnity safety offer to protect her.

Cory too had endured the loss of face in the eyes of the world that same day — she had totally underestimated the rebel leader's cunningness, and with the external invisible-hand of support from his fellow species — namely, President Emmanuel Garcia — who got his revenge on her — by aiding in the Preacher's getaway, that was telecasted live, worldwide...

But right now, Cory had expected her VP to be more supportive of their administration...

"Yes, I admit to the fact that the sneaky scar-faced bastard got away — but look here, Mary — we had defeated his God's Army severely in New Orleans, and now that fucker has been reduced without a proper army. He is definitely not a threat at all any more. It takes big balls, to set his foot again in L.A.!"

"You seem to be ignorant to gravamen around, Madeline — the Preacher has gained numerous supports, from the free-males and now even women here in America, who are now willing to pick up arms and fight for him — ever since you locked down 'Rosewood's influenced cities'!"

The VP was not swayed after the current faux pas in Cory's New Order strategy executions, which are facing more daily setbacks. Freeman added...

"He has even grown popular in other parts of the world — and they are now antagonistically watching us since you have attacked Mexico! Madeline, everyone knows that the avenging Preacher is going to make a comeback soon, to create another major insurrection in the country — and he is going to attack us massively, this time around...

"...and I still can't damn believe — that you still want us all to be there in L.A.!"

"You have to stop believing in every damn glorifying rumour that is out there. Mary — I know what I am doing — because I am in control of the situation, in orchestrating this coming election.

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