Chapter 6

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THE UNRULY RELEASED BLACK prisoners from B-Block ran out in the open yard — with the consternating Zinga screaming back at them...

"No! Don't go out, stay in here!"

But they were all conspicuous and wanting their instant liberation, by taking over Tombscradle by storm — and with the mentality of vanquishing anyone along their way, with their gung-ho brute mob way — by storming out unarmed and killing any prison guards with their bare-hands; thinking by going out in obstreperous large numbers with their virile presence that they could overcome the females...

More Blacks raced out into the open yard with that herd mentality — screaming in jaunty repetition of the word 'freedom.' The guards on the watchtowers noticed the throng of inmates dispersing inside the open concourse yard — they opened fire below at them — the machine guns cut the Blacks in the overt — their body danced as they were riddled by a fusillade of lead — with many rolled dead on the sand...

The retreating panic-stricken ones scattered, and they ran ahead towards A-Block, but were caught with shots in their chests from the other opposite watchtower. Zinga scarified at their exacerbated action for contravening his direct orders — which now had resulted to their bloody demises...



Marlin viewed the mayhem from his cell's window and he also observed the higher point advantage of the tower guards — he also spotted from his iron barred window in F-Block — it was the same guard who perched at the opposite tower — who had been shooting sodden birds on those recent rainy days...

Marlin acknowledged that the sniper had a forte for her precise trigger finger, seeing now, of her delivery of fatal damages — in nailing the unarmed black prisoners in the big-yard...

He wished at that moment that he could somehow stop her.


The warden was in frantic and incredulous state, while she spoke with Governor Gertrude Harris on the phone — she peeked out of the office window to see the escalating shootings in the yard, as she spoke out...

"Governor, the riot-police are still not here yet — and I got a Level-Red critical insurrection situation at hand — with more than a thousand prisoners in their verge of escaping!"

The meddling Governor of Texas had already vindicated earlier, after contravening to the warden that steering her mixed batch proposition, was not the probable cause of the unrest — Gertrude Harris has already made the warden as the scapegoat — for the uprising that was happening now.

"Just, hang on Erica, my backup request has been earlier denied by Washington — because, they have a better alternative now — the Elite SWAT team is coming instead — and they will bring order for your damn mistakes in no time!"


Twenty five miles away from Tombscradle, a Hummer raced ahead and three long black buses following behind it. On the back seat of the armored vehicle were Elite Commander Esther Petersburg and Sergeant Desiree Brown, heading to the scene to defuse the uprising.

It had been five years since their last visit to that same penitentiary — when they had transported a cage load of monk-boys...

Petersburg heard from an earlier briefing that the same scar-faced monk that killed some of her team members before — was leading the prison mutiny — it would be payback time for Petersburg, after her career stagnation since that failure in that monastery incident years ago.

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